Sunday, December 16, 2012

Broken Things to Mend

It seems this picture has been flooding the internet since Friday's tragedy.

This one, however, has always been one of my favorite pictures.

I've been thinking a lot lately about life, and about different experiences we have.  As most people know, I work at an acute psychiatric facility.  Daily I have the privilege to work with amazing people who are dealing with incredibly challenging circumstances.  Sometimes these situations are a result of poor choices, either their own or by those they love and care about.  Other times these situations just happen.

And so I've found myself pondering, more so this weekend, why do bad things happen?  Why does God allow tragedy to strike?  It seems like an unanswerable question, but in reality, the answer is simple.  It is because God loves us.  He loves each of His children.  And He will never do anything to prohibit our use of our agency.  At times, people use their agency in a way that hurts others.  But that hurt and pain will be made up for in the eternal scheme of things.

I love this quote by Orson F. Whitney, who said "No pain that we suffer, no trial that we experience is wasted.  It ministers to our education, to the development of such qualities as patience, faith, fortitude, and humility.  All that we suffer and all that we endure, especially when we endure it patiently, builds up our characters  purifies our hearts, expands our souls, and makes us more tender and charitable, more worthy to be called the children of God."

These difficult times in life are invitations to come unto Christ, to be healed through His Atonement.  There are enough comments and opinions circulating the internet about gun laws and mental health services and whatnot.  I'm not here to debate any of that.  I'm here to testify that despite the heartache we experience in life--because we will experience it--Christ will be there for us.  I have always loved Elder Holland's talk "Broken Things to Mend."  He states, in part:

"I speak to those who are facing personal trials and family struggles, those who endure conflicts fought in the lonely foxholes of the heart, those trying to hold back flood, waters of despair that sometimes wash over us like a tsunami of the soul.  I wish to speak particularly to you who feel your lives are broken, seemingly beyond repair.

To all such I offer the surest and sweetest remedy that I know.  It is found in the clarion call the Savior of the world Himself gave.  He said it in the beginning of His ministry, and He said it in the end.  He said it to believers, and He said it to those who were not so sure.  He said it to everyone, whatever their personal problems might be:

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."

If you are lonely, please know you can find comfort.  If you are discouraged, please know you can find hope.  If you are poor in spirit, please know you can be strengthened.  If you feel you are broken, please know you can be mended.

Considering the incomprehensible cost of the Crucifixion and Atonement, I promise you He is not going to turn His back on us now.  When He says to the poor in spirit, "Come unto me," He means He knows the way out and He knows the way up.  He knows it because He has walked it.  He knows the way because He  is the way."

Isn't that a beautiful message?  Difficulties, heartache, trials and tragedy will happen.  But with Christ, we can overcome, we can be made strong, and we can be healed.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

My Latest Project!!

Alright guys, time to share with you all my latest exciting adventure!  And explain why this blog has been neglected since NaBloPoMo ended on Nov. 30.

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I LOVE rec therapy!  Seriously, I could talk about it for hours if you let me.  I'm always looking for new ideas to try and new activities to use at work.  I have boards on Pinterest just about rec therapy.

But, I've never found a resource that has a bunch of tried and true, easy to use activity ideas.  There on a blog here, or a website there, but nothing that has everything in one place.  So, I decided to start my own.  I enlisted the help of a few coworkers, and about two weeks ago opened the blog publicly.

The idea is that rec therapists/activity directors will submit one or two ideas every quarter, and I'll get them posted on the blog.  That way everyone is able to continually get new ideas to try out, and we support one another as we seek to further the profession.

The ideas also work for classroom activities, art projects, or just fun things to do with your kids.  So go check it out!  Spread the word!  And let me know what you think - I would love comments or suggestions on how to make it even better!!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Currant Bush

I love this story!  I'm not sure when I first heard it, but it's always meant a lot to me.

We discussed this idea a lot in church today, and it was such a powerful discussion.  A member of the Stake Presidency gave the lesson in Relief Society, and talked about faith.  He shared with us a definition of faith from Sister Virginia Pearce, who taught that faith means really believing 5 things:

   1. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ live and they are in charge of this world.
   2. They know me.
   3. They love me.
   4. They have a plan for my future.
   5. I will obey the commands, work hard, and trust in their plan.  Sooner or later, everything will be okay.

I love those five things!!  I've realized time and time again, especially lately, that the Lord truly is in charge and has absolute control.  He knows everything that is going on, and although I can't necessarily fix it right now, at some point He will make it okay.  How grateful I am for that knowledge and the peace that it brings.  Even when I don't understand why he's leading me to a certain place, I know there is a purpose, and if I can have faith in Him, someday that perfect purpose will be revealed.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

December Traditions

Well, I guess after posting every day for a month, it really does become a habit.  And now I feel like the day just wouldn't be complete without posting something.  So... here goes...

Today has been a productive day.  Cleaned my room, did my laundry (and got it all put away), vacuumed my room, did the dishes, etc.  I also had time to just relax and read in bed tonight--one of my favorite things to do.

But, I was also thinking today about Christmas traditions.  While I was on the mission, my mom sent me 12 envelopes, with a Christmas missionary story in each one.  Every morning during breakfast, my companion and I would take turns picking an envelope and reading the story.  It helped us stay focused on missionary work and the gospel that Christmas.  I pull them out each year and reread them in the days leading up to Christmas.

So, today being December 1, I pulled those out and got all excited to start that again.  I was just about ready to open envelope #1, and I realized... the 12 days of Christmas... that means I can't start yet!  I was so bummed!  So I've got to wait a little while still for that.

But it got me thinking.  How do you celebrate the days leading up to Christmas and make it meaningful?  What traditions do you have or want to start?

Friday, November 30, 2012

The End of NaBloPoMo and Friday Mornings

Well, November 30.  Can you believe it?  I can't!  I wasn't sure I would be able to stick with it, but I did.  I posted on here every day this month.  And it feels pretty good to accomplish that goal.  Some days it was just pictures or a short sentence, but it was something every day.  I'm pretty sure I posted more this past month than the whole time I've had the blog. :)  I'll do better in the future.  I'm thinking a realistic goal will be once a week...shall we see how it goes??

Anyways, I've wanted to post about this all month, and things kept coming up.  So, today, I'm going to.  Can I just tell you all how much I love Friday mornings?  Seriously, the best day ever!  I usually work 8a-8p on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, which means I have Wednesdays and Fridays off.  Seriously, such an awesome schedule, right?  Anyways, despite working back to back 12 hour shifts, I can never seem to sleep in past 8:30am on Wednesday mornings and can never fall back to sleep.  Lame!  But Fridays, Fridays are a different story.  I usually wake up about 8am, look at my phone, bask in the glory that is Friday morning, roll over and sleep til about 10:30am.  Seriously, how blessed is that?

I love knowing I don't have to do anything on Fridays.  I can sleep in, lazily find breakfast and just relax.  Today for instance, I played on my phone and watched Netflix on my computer, not even getting out of bed until noon.  Then, once out of bed, I simply relocated to the couch, where I stayed for much of the afternoon.  Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not totally lazy on my days off.  Wednesdays I usually go grocery shopping, etc.  Friday is my day!  My roommates are at work, the house is quiet, and I can relax.  Sometimes I'll do laundry, but there's always Saturday for that.  So today, I worked on my rec therapy blog (a story for another day) and did a bunch of rec therapy stuff to rekindle my passion for the profession (because work this week kind of killed it).

So there you have it.  My absolute love of lazy Friday mornings, that quickly become lazy afternoons and evenings.  Happy weekend everyone!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I Love to See The Temple

What better way to spend a day off than to go to the temple?  It was absolutely wonderful and I felt such peace as I sat in the house of the Lord today.  I love these two quotes:

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


So, one of the best things about online shopping is when you actually get the stuff delivered!  Last week I ordered some Christmas presents for my niece and nephews and they arrived today!  I was so excited!  Even at 8:20pm, after working 12 hours, I was still more excited to open up the box and see what I ordered than eat dinner!  And, side note, those kids are going to LOVE their gifts!

So, thank you all for your advice about my latest purchase!  I loved the idea of a gift certificate, but they didn't let me do that.  So instead I opted for a new set of silverware and a knife set.  I figure it will go well with all the stuff I can make using the KitchenAid.  :)  I can't wait to get it and try some new recipes!!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Advice Please!

Okay, friends, I am facing a serious dilemma here...advice would be greatly appreciated!

Last week I splurged and bought a KitchenAid mixer at Kohls.  [Can I insert here how excited I am!?!]  Anyways, with that, I got a bunch of Kohls cash to spend.  And if I use it online before midnight tomorrow night, I can use the 20% off code and get an even better deal.  Awesome right?

Except for one thing, I don't know what to buy. I rarely have this problem at Kohls.  I love Kohls!!  But I don't really need more clothes.  There's not a pair of boots that I am in love with.  I could get a few fashion scarves, or earrings.  Or kitchen toys. Or a new silverware set (my cheap walmart set just isn't that great). Or a down-alternative comforter.  Or something else???

Help!!!!  If you had Kohls cash to spend, what would you get and why???

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday Thought

I kinda like the idea of posting a spiritual thought on Sundays.  It helps me stay focused on what really matters and think about how I can apply the gospel to my life daily.  Tonight, I thought I would share one of my favorite youtube videos, from a talk given by Elder Busche.

I'm also including the text, because what he has to say is so powerful!

Therefore, I want to share with you a vehicle, an instrument, that I developed some time ago for myself and for my family. It can assist us to reach our focus as we read the suggested vision of true discipleship as a Latter-day Saint. It helps when, from time to time, we ponder and seek identification with the following thoughts:
* Embrace this day with an enthusiastic welcome, no matter how it looks. The covenant with God to which you are true enables you to become enlightened by him, and nothing is impossible for you.
* When you are physically sick, tired, or in despair, steer your thoughts away from yourself and direct them, in gratitude and love, toward God.
* In your life there have to be challenges. They will either bring you closer to God and therefore make you stronger, or they can destroy you. But you make the decision of which road you take.
* First and foremost, you are a spirit child of God. If you neglect to feed your spirit, you will reap unhappiness. Don't permit anything to detract you from this awareness.
* You cannot communicate with God unless you have first sacrificed your self-oriented natural man and have brought yourself into the lower levels of meekness, to become acceptable for the Light of Christ.
* Put all frustrations, hurt feelings, and grumblings into the perspective of your eternal hope. Light will flow into your soul.
* Pause to ponder the suffering Christ felt in the Garden of Gethsemane. In the awareness of the depth of gratitude for him, you appreciate every opportunity to show your love for him by diligently serving in his Church.
* God knows that you are not perfect. As you suffer about your imperfections, he will give you comfort and suggestions of where to improve.
* God knows better than you what you need. He always attempts to speak to you. Listen, and follow the uncomfortable suggestions that he makes to us--everything will fall into its place.
* Avoid any fear like your worst enemy, but magnify your fear about the consequences of sin.
* When you cannot love someone, look into that person's eyes long enough to find the hidden rudiments of the child of God in him.
* Never judge anyone. When you accept this, you will be freed. In the case of your own children or subordinates, where you have the responsibility to judge, help them to become their own judges.
* If someone hurts you so much that your feelings seem to choke you, forgive and you will be free again.
* Avoid at all cost any pessimistic, negative, or criticizing thoughts. If you cannot cut them out, they will do you harm. On the road toward salvation, let questions arise but never doubts. If something is wrong, God will give you clarity but never doubts.
* Avoid rush and haste and uncontrolled words. Divine light develops in places of peace and quiet. Be aware of that as you enter places of worship.
* Be not so much concerned about what you do, but do what you do with all your heart, might, and strength. In thoroughness is satisfaction.
* You want to be good and to do good. That is commendable. But the greatest achievement that can be reached in our lives is to be under the complete influence of the Holy Ghost. Then he will teach us what is really good and necessary to do.
* The pain of sacrifice lasts only one moment. It is the fear of the pain of sacrifice that makes you hesitate to do it.
* Be grateful for every opportunity to serve. It helps you more than those you serve.
* And finally, when you are compelled to give up something or when things that are dear to you are withdrawn from you, know that this is your lesson to be learned right now. But know also that, as you are learning this lesson, God wants to give you something better.
Thus, we prepare all the days of our lives, and, as we grow, death loses its sting, hell loses its power, and we look forward to that day with anticipation and joy when he will come in his glory.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Lazy Day

Ahh, the weekend!  After a busy week, it was nice to just relax this afternoon and evening.  I realized (again!) how important it is for me to take time for myself and relax and rejuvenate.  If I'm always running around--work, social events, everyday errands, etc--I get burnt out so quickly.  So after working at 8am the last 4 days, it was nice not to set an alarm this morning!  I still got up by about 8:30, did some dishes, and went shopping.  Yay for being productive!  And then the rest of the day was spent relaxing, watching Netflix, etc.  And now I'm ready for another week to start!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday

Can I just say that I am exhausted?  And no, not because I spent the day shopping...because I spent the day at work!  Luckily, I got paid time and a half, so it made the 12 hours shift totally worth it.  :)  Unfortunately, it means that my brain is shutting down and this may be a less-than-thrilling post. :(

I had contemplated getting up this morning and going shopping for a few things before heading to work at 8am, but when my alarm went off I knew there was no way I was going to make it anywhere before work.  So I snoozed the alarm for quite a while, got ready, and managed to clock in at exactly 8:00am.

I did make one Black Friday purchase at work--buying some new games for our department.  I knew it was crazy, but after my morning group I ran over to Target (which was busy, but not as terrible as I expected).  Unfortunately they were out of one of the games, so I had to just order everything online and pay shipping, but it still came out lots cheaper than I would have gotten last week.  So it was totally worth it!

Tomorrow I plan to continue my Black Friday shopping, buying fabric for work.  We tie fleece blankets for a service project and I've got some good coupons to use, so I might as well.  And if I'm going to be out, I might just need to stop at Kohls and see if there's anything I need, right?

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Happy Thanksgiving!  I hope you all had a wonderful day with your family and loved ones and were able to reflect on all your blessings.  Today was a great day for me- work for a while and then spend the afternoon and evening with family!  Life is good!

Like most people, today's post is going to highlight some of the things I'm most grateful for in my life...

- Family: I have an amazing family- parents, siblings, siblings-in-law, niece, nephew, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, etc.  I know that no matter what happens in life, I have people that love me and care about me and will help me out.  I am so grateful for the friendships I have within my family and for the good times we celebrate together.

-My Job: I feel so incredibly blessed that I can go to work to a job that I absolutely love every day!  I know I say it a lot, but I truly do love what I do.  Being a recreational therapist is one of the best decisions I've ever made.  It is such a wonderful opportunity to go to work and see people in crisis, and to be able to help them through that in some small way.  I also have amazing coworkers and value those friendships.

-Mission: Going on a mission is also one of the defining moments of my life thus far.  I learned and grew so much in those 18 months and met so many wonderful people that I still think of frequently.  From companions to investigators to members, that time shaped my life and helped me realize who I am and what I can become.  I'm grateful the Lord allowed me the opportunity to serve as a missionary in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

-Positive Examples: I have so many wonderful role models in my life.  I am so blessed to be surrounded by people who are dedicated to what they do, compassionate and willing to act and serve.  I have no doubt that the Lord leads us not only to where we need to be, but also to the people we need to be around, whether to learn from them or help them in some way.

-Faith: I am eternally grateful for my testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, for His Atonement and his Church.  I know I have a Father in Heaven who loves me and cares about me, and is guiding my life.  I am thankful for that eternal perspective and guidance amid the trials of this mortal life.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Eve and Jokes

Okay, I don't know that this really counts as a holiday, but I'm going to say it does.  I worked 12 hours today, and then decided I wanted to make pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.  So I did.  Then I decided I wanted to take some to work tomorrow.  So I made some more (non-gluten free--because I don't share my gluten free stuff with just anybody).  And now the last batch is in the oven and I'm getting ready to head to bed, so that I can go to work tomorrow.

But, on this Thanksgiving Eve, I thought I'd share some of the fun jokes I told my patients today.  One of the girls I used to work with sent them to me (Thanks Jill!). Hopefully it gets you into the Thanksgiving mood.  I'm pretty sure I shared at least the first one with you earlier this month, but I think they're fun, so you get them again!

Q: If April showers bring May flowers what do May flowers bring?
A: Pilgrims!
Q: Why did the turkey cross the road?
A: It was the chicken's day off.
Q: Why do turkeys always go, "gobble, gobble"?
A: Because they never learned good table manners!
Q: What sound does a space turkey make?
A: Hubble, Hubble, Hubble.
Q: Why did the police arrest the turkey?
A: They suspected it of fowl play.
Q: Why did they let the turkey join the band?
A: Because he had the drumsticks
A turkey farmer was always experimenting with breeding to perfect a better turkey. His family was fond of the leg portion for dinner and there were never enough legs for everyone. After many frustrating attempts, the farmer was relating the results of his efforts to his friends at the general store get together. "Well I finally did it! I bred a turkey that has 6 legs!"
They all asked the farmer how it tasted.
"I don't know" said the farmer. "I never could catch the darn thing!"
Q: What's the best dance to do on Thanksgiving?
A: The turkey trot
Q: What kind of music did the Pilgrims like?
A: Plymouth Rock
Q: Who is not hungry at Thanksgiving?
A: The turkey because he's already stuffed!
Q: Who is not hungry at Thanksgiving?
A: The turkey because he's already stuffed!
Q: Why do pilgrims pants keep falling down?
A: Because their belt buckles are on their hats!
Q: How do you keep a turkey in suspense?
A: I'll let you know next week.
Q: Which side of the turkey has the most feathers?
A: The outside.
Q: Why can't you take a turkey to church?
A: Because they use such fowl language.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Day 20

Woo-hoo!  I have successfully completed 2/3rds of NaBloPoMo!  Impressive, right?  Well, today I was going to post about how RIDICULOUS work was this morning, but it ended up going pretty well, so I guess  I won't complain today--but possibly later this week.  :)

So, instead, I thought I would share some of my favorite funny quotes from Pinterest.  Everyone needs a laugh now and then, right?  Enjoy!!

Probably best to get out of his way.



such an understatement!


good idea

Sleep wins... always.

land locked


Monday, November 19, 2012

Aunt Andrea

Over the past several days, I've got to spend lots of time with my nephews and niece.  I figured it was about time they got their own post on my blog, because they're just that awesome!

Little [T] had a rough couple of days, but I sure did enjoy rocking him this past weekend.  He's still pretty little and so we can't really "play" yet, but once he's a little older, I know he'll quickly discover just how cool Aunt Andrea is.
Then today I got to play with [M] and [L].  We watched the Hunchback of Norte Dame and ate lunch and num-nums (of course!).  And we obviously played on my phone.  Afterwards, she didn't want me to go home, so she barricaded us inside.  Luckily Momma moved the shoes and I was able to escape.
And, because no post would be complete without a picture of all three of them, here's [L] trying on my jacket a few weeks ago.  It makes me smile every time I see this picture.  He was talking up a storm today, and was very cuddly!
Isn't being an aunt is the best!?!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Sunday Thought

Love C.S. Lewis.

I was blessed to serve a mission in Sao Paulo, Brazil.  I loved it!  It was probably one of the hardest things I've ever done, but it was also one of the best and most wonderful times of my life.  I learned so much and grew so much during those 18 months, and I truly believe it has shaped my life forever.

On the mission, we usually had lunch with the members.  After lunch, either my companion or I would share a short thought or scripture with the family as an expression of our appreciation for the delicious meal.  One of my favorite things to share was a quote by C.S. Lewis, from his book Mere Christianity, which I still keep in my Portuguese scriptures and read at least once a month.

The Christian way is different: harder, and easier. Christ says ‘Give me All. I don’t want so much of your time and so much of your money and so much of your work: I want You. I have not come to torment your natural self, but to kill it. No half-measures are any good. I don’t want to cut off a branch here and a branch there, I want to have the whole tree down. I don’t want to drill the tooth, or crown it, or stop it, but to have it out. Hand over the natural self, all the desires which you think innocent as well as the ones you think wicked – the whole outfit. I will give you a new self instead. In fact, I will give you Myself: my own will shall become yours.’ 

The gospel truly does change us.  It changes our lives.  As Elder Holland talked about in the last conference, once we have a personal, meaningful experience with the Savior and His Atonement, our lives are forever different--changed for the better.  We can't ever go back to who or what we were before.  In some ways that is easier; in other ways it is hard.  But in every way it is better, because we are becoming more like the Lord, and as we do so, He will empower us to overcome the difficulties of this mortal life.  I saw this principle in action countless times on the mission, and see it in my own life, and am so grateful for it.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

"I'm Pretty Tired"

I was sitting here tonight, thinking about what to post.  A lot has happened in the last two days, and luckily everything worked out and is going to be good, but all I could think of was how tired I that I actually allowed myself to relax!

This is what popped into my head:

Forrest Gump: [running] I had run for 3 years, 2 months, 14 days, and 16 hours. 
[he stops and turns around
Young Man Running: Quiet, quiet! He's gonna say something! 
Forrest Gump: [pause] I'm pretty tired... I think I'll go home now. 

My dad and my brother say this sometimes, and having spent the last two days with my brother, I can totally imagine him saying this.  In fact, now that I think of it, I'm almost surprised he didn't say it as we were leaving this afternoon to come home.

Personally, I'm glad to not only be home and but also to have a few days off work to relax.

Good night!!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday Lessons

Another day off, only this one didn't quite go as planned.  For today's post, I will share just a few lessons from today (in no particular order)...

1.Expect the unexpected
2. Gluten Free bread is worth every penny (as are the cookies!!)
3. Family is always there for you
4. Friday nights with your twin sister don't happen nearly enough
5. Being flexible is sometimes the best thing you can do

Happy Friday Everyone!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Halfway and the day I didn't have my computer

November 15!  Wahoo - we've made it halfway through NaBloPoMo and I've posted every day!  Some of the posts haven't been super exciting, but each one has been written the day it was posted about something that I was thinking about or doing that day.  Which, I must admit, is kinda cool.  Here's to the next 15 days...and hopefully a stronger resolution to post regularly even after NaBloPoMo is over.

Today I realized just how much I use my computer at work...because I couldn't.  The IT guys are doing something about something and somehow migrating stuff over and it's somehow related to something corporate is doing....and I clearly don't understand all that technical stuff.  But I got in to work today and had a big sign no my computer screen that said "DO NOT LOG ON!"  Okay, I thought, I can handle this.  I just won't use my email, which isn't that big of a deal because no one emails me anyways.  But then I realized I couldn't print out the midnight census, and get the update on how the patients were doing...and I was going to have to wait for meeting to get that.  No biggie, I thought.  Then I realized I couldn't see if we had admits over night, so I didn't know who to get assessments ready for or notes prepped for.  Well, that can just wait til after meeting too, I decided.

So I prep the notes I had for the patients I knew about, and planned my activities for the day and went to meeting, where I got the old school version of the census.  Groups proceeded as normal, and I did the assessments, and filing.  I finished SO early!  So then I helped my supervisor with some things, and filed a few more documents, and still had about 45 minutes before my evening groups.

Usually, I like this time because I can work on finding and creating new interventions, or putting together the shopping list, or working on the history pages, or any number of projects...all of which require the use of my computer!!  Bummer! Don't worry though, I did find something to do, and looked through a coworker's binder of activities in hopes of finding new ideas.  But, I realized, I do use my computer a lot for my job, and I'm excited to have it back next week!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Day Off

Yay for a day off!  I love my work schedule.  Working back to back 12 hour shifts is hard, but having Wednesdays off totally makes up for it.  Nothing like a relaxing yet productive day to mark the halfway mark in the week.

Today was probably more relaxing than productive, but hey, it happens, right?  Plus, it was a fabulous day.  Sleep in (til about 8:15am is all--but that's a story for another day!), relaxing morning, taking my time getting ready, lunch with a good friend I used to work with, working on a rec therapy project this afternoon, and then dinner with my sister and some friends.  Pretty sweet, right?

What about you?  How did you spend your Wednesday?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Tonight I had some pretty awesome conversations with my roommates--about life, about history, about controversial social issues, etc.  It was great!  We all shared ideas and thoughts and opinions openly and honestly and intellectually.  Later, I remembered this quote.  I am so grateful for where I am in my life, for the people I am surrounded by and the lessons we are learning and discussing together.  I have no doubt that the Lord has a hand in guiding our lives and leading us to exactly where we need to be.

Monday, November 12, 2012

A day in the life

Today was a pretty busy day!  Slightly overwhelming at times, but overall really good.  I've been wanting to do a post about work and a typical day there, but decided to just do it today.  So even though today wasn't entirely normal in terms of schedules and whatnot, the general gist of it is pretty representative of what I do...

6:50am - Alarm goes off.  Promptly hit snooze

7:00am - Alarm goes off again.  Promptly hit snooze again.  Get a text message.  Learn that the other rec therapist is sick and it will be just me today.  Try to go back to sleep.

7:10am - Alarm goes off again.  Promptly hit snooze again.  (Are we noticing a theme here?!?)

7:20am - Get up, get dressed, pull the hair into a pony tail and grab breakfast.

7:40am - Leave for work

7:56am - Clock in.  Yay for being early for work!!

8:00am - Print the updated census, update our patient board, check the daily theme, prep assessments that need to be done on new patients.

8:10am - Talk to supervisor about a plan for the day

8:15am - Treatment team meeting for the Geriatric Unit

8:40am - Finish creating a plan for day.  Fill in the staff and get coloring pages and "This Day in History" page ready for the geriatric staff to do with the patients.  Plan 11am group.

9:00am - Adult treatment team meeting

10:00am - Adult Unit 2 Exercise group in the gym.  Mondays is arms, so we did some stretching, worked with the resistance bands and had free time.  Complete one assessment with a patient during free time.

11:00am - Geriatric intervention group on the unit.  The theme is social skills.  Lead a discussion about the top 8 social skills from the last 2500 years.  Try to keep patients calm.  Play Social Skills Jenga with patients, and have them name social skills as they pull out blocks.

11:50am - Prep my notes.  Essentially this entails filling in the details that are the same for every note- date and time of group, group facilitator topic and patient name--for my two morning groups.  Score assessment I did during the exercise group.

12:10pm - Head to lunch.  Because it's been a crazy day, and I know I need a break, I go out to eat.

12:37pm - Clock back in.  Yes, 27 minute lunches here... I'm getting good at calculating just when to clock back in... Head to my office and prep the notes for my adolescent group.  Plan my two adult intervention groups.

1:10pm - Adolescent group in the gym.  Same plan as before, but more free time.  Play with the kids during free time.

2:00pm - Adult Unit 2 intervention group on the unit.  Play Taboo.  Discuss various social skills.  Take library book requests.

3:00pm - Adult Unit 1 intervention group on the unit.  Discuss the Social Skills handout.  Play Jenga.

4:00pm - Head back to the office.  Finish prepping my notes from my afternoon groups with the two adult units.  See the rec therapist that was covering the evening groups!  Fill her in; help her plan activity night.  Write notes, write notes, write notes, and write notes.

6:00pm - Head upstairs and organize the notes and various other paperwork that needs to be filed into patients' charts.

6:20pm - Start filing the paperwork in the charts.

6:40pm - Realize that if I don't leave soon, I'm going to go over hours.  Put the papers back into the "To File" box and head back down to my office.

6:45pm - Clock out and head home!

And there you have it...a day as a rec therapist at the psych hospital.  I guess I left out details like the conversation I had with a patient about how she needs to go home because she's been in "treatment" too long and has her job she needs to get back to or the patient who purged after dinner and said it was an "environmental hazard" because she puked in the middle of the room or the patient who just kept saying "3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days, 3 hours, 3 minutes, 3 seconds" over and over.  But you know, those are minor details. ;-)

Honestly though, I absolutely love my job!  I work with some pretty awesome people (staff and patients alike) and have so much fun.  It's so rewarding to watch people work through the crisis they are facing and realize their worth as a person.  Despite the sometimes chaotic moments, I wouldn't trade days like today for anything!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

"You Know Enough"

What a wonderful Sunday!  I got to attend two sacrament meetings today- my own ward and my sister's ward.  Today was the Primary Program and my niece is a sunbeam, so I just had to go over and watch her, right?  It was so fun!  They go to a Spanish ward, which is always interesting.  I speak Portuguese and some Spanish (although it is definitely easier to understand the Spanish than speak it).  Marissa has been practicing her part and did a great job, even if she looked grumpy for some of the songs.  And they had missionaries in their ward!  How fun is that?  And then I had to run to work, which actually went pretty well.  For our service project today, we made thank you cards to send to veterans since today is Veterans Day.

Anyways, today I remembered this talk from Elder Andersen, "You Know Enough" from the October 2008 General Conference.  I was on my mission in Brazil when he gave this talk, and it's been a favorite ever since.  As I see patients come and go (and sometimes come again) at work, I am reminded of the power of our choices.  Faith is a decision we have to make, and have to continually remember and work towards.    Challenges will come, but because of the Atonement of Christ we can overcome.  Even when we don't have all of the answers, we can still know enough to move forward confidently in obeying the will of the Lord, and answers will come as we act.  We know enough!!

Happy Sabbath!

Saturday, November 10, 2012


I was going to do an awesome post today since I had the day off and all that.  Guess what?  Not really going to happen.

What did I do today you ask?

Sleep in, lots of Grey's Anatomy, shopping with my sisters and niece and nephew, and fighting the feeling that I'm getting the flu. :(

Highlight of the day?

Teaching my nephew Lucas (who is the most adorable 18 month old ever!) to say the word "Really."  We were sitting in the car on the way to Kohl's this afternoon, and he was jabbering away.  I couldn't entirely understand what he was saying, so I just lean over and say "Really?  Really?  Really?" a few times and laugh and smile at him.  Pretty soon it's a game.  I say "really" and he laughs...and he says "eee---llll---yyy"  and I laugh.  Pretty smart little guy, don't you think?

Don't judge our appearances...
we had just gotten up
 last Saturday morning!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Snow Day

I knew it was supposed to snow today.  My family had mentioned it and I was prepared...prepared for it to snow a little bit while I was at work, look pretty, and possibly stick to the grass...but not cover my car in 4 inches of snow!

Now, spending most of my winters in Utah, I'm definitely accustomed to the snow.  I've lived in it, walked to school in it, driven in it, etc.  But every winter, every time we have a snow storm, I find myself asking once again "Why do I live in Utah?"

Don't get me wrong.  I like the snow... when I don't have to go anywhere, and I can lay in bed with my electric blanket and drink hot chocolate and read books or watch netflix.  No problem!  But when I have to scrape snow off my car, or deal with bad road conditions or less than skilled drivers, I'd appreciate it if the snow didn't exist.

This summarizes how many of my coworkers and patients felt about the snow today:
Let's bond over the periodic inconvenience of atmospheric precipitation.

One of my patients told me to go skiing, and then I would like the snow...What do you think?  Do you like the snow?

Thursday, November 8, 2012


No, I could not come up with a title for today's post.  Sorry.  Day 8 of NaBloPoMo and I've just about run out of things to say.  Not really, but it sure feels that way.  So, 8 random thoughts of the day:

1. I really don't like complainers.  Which is somewhat ironic, because I've done my share of complaining.  But I guess I felt that if I can make it work, so can you.

2.  12 hour shifts are getting longer and longer.

3.  I'm working on Thanksgiving and Christmas activities for work.  Today I came up with a Thanksgiving Bingo and am almost done with a Christmas Jeopardy game.  If we have to work on holidays and patients have to be there on the holidays, by golly we're going to have fun.

4.  I have mixed thoughts about working tomorrow.  One one hand, I love my job and don't really mind working 4 days this week.  But I have to work on the geriatric unit--my least favorite unit.  But I get to dress up (read: not wear gym clothes) so I'm kinda excited about that.  It's nice to feel professional now and then.  But it's still on the geriatric unit... lol :)

5.  My old coworker Jill sent me a bunch of Thanksgiving jokes this week.  They're kinda cheesy, but still made me laugh.  Here's one:
If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?
Pilgrims!  Bahahaha :)

6.  I tried making Pao de Mel yesterday afternoon.  It didn't really work.  I mean, it tasted delicious but was all crumbly and whatnot.  Darn you gluten free flour!! I guess I'm going to have to keep experimenting.

7.  Confession: I didn't vote.  I realized too late when registration closed and since I'm still a California resident it just didn't work out.  Whoops.  That's the second presidential election that I've been allowed to vote in and am yet to actually cast a vote!  (Although, four years ago I was in Brazil on a mission, so it's totally excusable.)

8.  Yes, I realize this post may be a bit more cynical than usual... chalk it up to a 12 hour day at work and a headache... but I posted, right?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


So I've had a few different people tell me lately that I need a good hobby, to which I (somewhat) jokingly respond that work is my hobby... Seriously, guys, I love my job!  The patients are fun, the staff is awesome and I love the freedom I get to do whatever interventions I think would be best for that day.  It's seriously awesome.  So work is more fun than it is work for me.  But... I only work 3 days a week.  So what do I do the rest of the week??  Good question... sometimes I can't really figure out where the time goes.  I mean, obviously the laundry gets done and the house cleaned and groceries bought, but beyond that?  Netflix.  Lunch dates with friends.  Playing with the niece and nephew.

Recently I've made an effort to be more conscious of how I'm spending my time. I've tried reading, baking, cross stitching, card making and piano playing.  I am also going to look into fixing up my old viola and trying to play that again.  I'm just not sure I've found it... you know, that one hobby that's made for me.  So, blogger friends, I am looking for your suggestions.  What hobbies should I try next?  How do you spend your days off?

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sugar Cookie Bars

Okay, okay, it's only November 6 and I'm kinda getting tired of this posting something original every single day.  It shouldn't be that hard right?  Well, expect some less exciting posts on days I work and some more creative posts on my days off... It all evens out right?

Seeing how today is election day, I should probably post about that, right?  Well, I'm not going to.  Instead, I'm going to post one of my favorite recipes.  Most of you probably know I have Celiac's disease, which means I can't eat gluten.  Gluten is found in anything with white flour, and a lot of processed foods.  My sister has started a blog where she posts a lot of her gluten free recipes.  It's pretty awesome...and whenever I don't know what to make for dinner I usually look there first.

One of the things I really missed when I went gluten free was sugar cookies.  Here is a recipe I adapted to be gluten free of a sugar cookie bar...

Sugar Cookie Bars
1 1/2 c. sugar
1 c. butter, room temperature
8 oz. cream cheese, room temperature
1 egg
1 t. vanilla
1 t. baking powder
1/2 t. baking soda
2 1/2 c. GF flour (I used 1/2 c. white rice flour, 1 c. brown rice flour, 1 c. tapioca flour and 1/2 t. xantham gum)

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Line a jelly roll pan with foil, spray with cooking spray.
3. Cream butter, sugar and cream cheese together.
4. Add in egg and vanilla.
5. Add in dry ingredients.
6. Mix until just combined.
7. Press into pan (dough will be sticky).
8. Bake for 20 minutes or until edges begin to golden (remember that oven temperatures vary and yours may be done sooner!).
9. Cool completely before frosting.

These are the imitation Lofthouse sugar cookies that have been floating around pinterest, adapted to be GF by my sister Andrea but originally from this site:

I like to frost it with my mom's homemade frosting and sprinkles.  :)

Doesn't it look delicious??

Anyways, my sister posted this on her blog, along with LOTS of other yummy recipes that you should check out.  Enjoy!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Personal Mottos

Today at work we had a group about creating our own healthy lifestyle and how we each have the power to create our own lives.  No matter what happens to us, we each have the ability and power to act and not just react.  As I thought about what to post tonight, I'd thought I'd share a few of my favorite quotes with you, all from Pinterest of course! ;)   It's hard for me to to choose just one as my personal motto.  They are each amazing and represent different aspects of my life and valuable life lessons I've learned.


Elder Holland. One of my new favorite quotes

Love What You Do Print Uncovet



"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."


. . . small things with great love

From Jason Mraz

believe it...


And one of my absolute favorites


No matter what happens in life, it will always work out.  Like I told my patients today, life isn't going to be perfect.  It's not going to be easy all of the time.  We'll probably mess up and have bad days and hard times. But we can choose how we respond.  So until we understand God's purpose for everything, I like to remind myself to "laugh at the confusion" and "smile through the tears" and remember that someday everything will make sense and God's will and plan will be unfolded.

Which are your favorites?  Do you have a personal motto?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

True Friendship

It's past time for me to think about going to bed, but I am determined to post every day.  So again, it's going to be short... Oh well.  Today was an amazing day.  I slept in (probably because I stayed up way too late talking with a dear friend), went to my sister's, cuddled with my sick niece, went to my nephew's baby blessing, dinner with the family, and then a reunion with a bunch of people from a BYU ward.  It was busy and chaotic at times, but absolutely perfect.  

As I talked with Steph last night, I remembered this image I'd pinned on Pinterest, and figured it would be perfect for today...


Whether friends or family, I love being able to pick up right where we leave off.  I love that some of my best friends are my family. What better way to spend a Sunday??

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Today's post will be a short, picture filled one because it's a busy day!  I had a fabulous sleepover with my niece and nephew last night, and my parents are almost here too!  Tomorrow, is my newest nephew's baby blessing.  Good times, people, good times!

Playing last night

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Mouse

So, for today's post I thought I would share the following story of our pet mouse.

I came home from work on Sunday evening and my roommate Allie told me she had some bad news.  I was a little surprised and very curious.  But, I was in a very good mood and said, okay, well, what is it?  She kept darting her eyes back to the wood burning stove/TV area and I wondered what had happened.  But, Allie, knowing me all too well, told me to sit down.  As I sit on the couch, she proceeds to give me a play by  play of the afternoon.  Then, she says that as she and Rachel were sitting in the living room, they saw a mouse run by.  That definitely caught my attention!  A MOUSE?!?!?!

Blogger friends, let me tell you a not-so-secret secret about me- I don't like mice or other creepy little things!  I had my phone out and ready to send our landlord an email, asking what we were going to do about this little development and when.  Luckily, Allie managed to stay calm and told me that she and Rach had covered the hole in the fireplace where the mouse came from, and we should be okay.  Okay as in, sure, I guess, but remind me never to sit on the living room floor again!  Luckily Rachel is a little lot calmer and levelheaded than both Allie and me, and she sent a very calm email to the landlord.  She also went out and bought mousetraps the next day, which we set Monday night.

Fast forward to Tuesday night.  I get off work early (the benefit of working Sunday this week!) and come home to find this:

Our now dead mouse

Yep, that's right, I come home to find a dead mouse.  Just lying there with it's eye open and everything.  Being the mouse hater that I am, I avoided that corner of the living room all night...right up until Allie got home and bravely disposed of the little creature.  And we set another mouse trap (this time with paper underneath--we don't want mouse brains all over the floor!) and as of this evening, have been mouse free.

Let's just hope it stays that way...

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The One Where I Explain NaBloPoMo

No dear readers, I have not disappeared... just gotten super busy the last little while.  But that's about to change, because I am going to participate in NaBloPoMo.  What is that exactly?  Here is a detailed explanation, but basically you post something on your blog every day in November.  Given my track record, it may be difficult...but I'm bound and determined to do it!

So today, I'm going to share one of my favorite quotes.  It's from the Dr. Seuss movie The Lorax.  Granted, I've never seen the movie, but I heard the quote once and it's stuck with me...

This quote always reminds me of work.  If you know me, this will come as no surprise, but I LOVE MY JOB!!  (I'll explain in another post!) But as much as I like it, it's still a very demanding and emotionally draining job.  You can't be apathetic in my job, you have to be passionate about what you do.  And so when I'm having a bad day at work, or wondering why the patients don't seem to be getting something, I remember this quote, and do my very best to care "a whole awful lot" and give 100% and things always seem to work out.

Friday, August 24, 2012

The One Where I Take A Vacation

Last weekend I had 6 (YES 6!!) days off of work!  It was fabulous!  I had been trying to figure out when I could take a trip home, and it worked out last weekend.  I flew to CA on Wednesday night, and came back to UT the following Tuesday afternoon.My mom's birthday was on Friday, and it was so fun to be home for that (I was actually at home for both of my parents' birthdays this year--something I don't think has happened since high school! :)  My parents both worked during the day, but I honestly didn't mind!  It was so nice to sleep in, relax, watch TV, play the Wii, and not have to worry about work, or grocery shopping, or running errands, or any other the other million things I have to worry about on a weekly basis. All in all, it was a wonderfully relaxing and much needed vacation.  I didn't take many pictures, but here's two:

I spent a few afternoons at the clubhouse pool.  It was great to be outside and in the water!!  I realized that I should learn how to really swim, but I had lots of fun anyways!  And it was also nice because all the kids were in school (most of the time) and I had the whole pool to myself!

My parents and I also went out to dinner on Saturday night.  We decided to go to BJ's Restaurant.  Amanda has been saying how good it is--and they have gluten free options--but I'd never been.  They didn't disapoint!!  This pizza was amazing!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The One Where I Remember I Go To A Community College

So way back when (okay, so really it was like in April) I was seriously considering graduate school.  I thought about doing an Occupational Therapy (OT) program, but I needed to take a few prerequisite classes first- such as anthropology, sociology, physiology, etc.  So I decided to take some classes up at SLCC (Salt Lake Community College).  Summer tuition was cheap, and I got the in state tuition rate because it was summer.  Perfect!  I signed up for both anthropology and sociology, figuring it might be a little hectic taking two classes and working full time.  Yet, I knew I had to take them in order to be able to apply for grad school in time.

Well, despite being a BYU graduate, it took me a while to connect the dots.  SLCC is a community college--and was super easy for me! Anthropology was an online course, and I had three assignments each week: 1) Take a 5 question, open book quiz (with a retake possible); 2) write a half page paper on an assigned topic, post it on the discussion board, and then comment on two other people's papers; and 3) write a one page paper on a specific topic and email to the teacher.  Well, being the efficient gal that I am, I would do my homework on my graveyard shift--Friday night!  And almost every week I was the first one to post on the discussion board--and couldn't make my comments until Sunday night.

Sociology wasn't much harder.  I did have to go to class for this one, but sitting in the back it was easy to look engaged in class and really be focused on Pinterest or Facebook.  The first test I figured I should study for, then when it took about 10 minutes I was kind of bummed that I spent a good 45 minutes studying for it.  One of our first discussions in that class was about a sociologist who studied insane asylums, and when the professor asked if anyone had experience in a mental institution, I became one of her favorite students because I work at one!  After that, I always had interesting stories to share and easily got participation points.

So, anyways, the point of this is not to say that I am a genius-- believe me, my anatomy grade would definitely argue with that--but to explain one concept.  I learned that I need to be more aware of my surroundings.  BYU is not SLCC-- both have different expectations.  It made my summer a lot easier, but I regret that I didn't get much out of either class...  I guess it's always a trade off, right? That said, classes are over, I passed, and now I'm taking a break for a while! :)

Monday, August 13, 2012

The One Where I've Been Home for Three Years!

Three years ago today, August 13, 2009, I came home from my mission.  How time flies!!  As I reflect on my life the last three years, I'm amazed at everything that I've done, learned and experienced.  It hasn't always been easy, but I have learned so much about me and the Lord's plan for me.  I am so grateful for the experiences I had in Sao Paulo, and the foundation it built for me.  Not a day goes by I don't think about the mission and the incredible people I met there!  Saudades!!

And now, some pictures from my last day in Brazil:

Sister Call, Sister Chamberlain, Sister Simmons and Sister McGary
The four of us all arrived at the MTC together and spent our missions together!  I was lucky enough to be companions with each of them at some point during the mission.  What a blessing!  We still keep in touch and I am so grateful for these girls!!

 Sabrina, Irma Silene, Sister Call, Bruno and Irmao Gilmar
Irma Silene lived next door to us in my last area (Campo de Fora).  She was wonderful!  She treated us like daughters and always took such good care of us--feeding us dinner after a long day, letting us wash her clothes there, and even painting our nails on p-day.  Her whole family was very supportive of us, and would help us any way they could!

Sister Call, Irma Sheila and Irmao Tarso
A wonderful family in my last area!  They were so involved in the ward and helped us out so much!  I loved doing divisions with Irma Sheila!  She was so kind and patient, and a true friend during a difficult transfer!

Monday, June 18, 2012

The One Where I Am Exhausted

As I will get to in another post, I really do love my jobs!  Seriously, I love the populations I work with, and the activities I get to do!  But sometimes, work just leaves me exhausted.

Case in point--Here was my schedule this weekend:
  Friday: 8a-5:30p
  Friday night: 10p-8a
  Saturday: 9a-2p
In case you're having trouble with your math, I believe that is working 25.5/30 hours.  CRAZY!!!   The funny thing is, I wasn't even tired until after I left work on Saturday, had gone to the grocery store, come home and taken off my shoes...that's when it hit!  A quick nap and going to bed early seem to help though, and now I'm good as new! (At least until Friday hits again, right?)

So, even though I do love my jobs, it sometimes leaves me a little tired and incoherent, and the blog a little deserted.

The One Where It's Father's Day

Yes, I realize I'm a day late.  Oh well... My weekend was crazy and yesterday was a recovery/spend time with family day so I figured I'd just post today.  It works, right? ;)

Anyways, yesterday being Father's Day and all, I had the opportunity to reflect on all the great things my dad has done for me, as well as various other "father" figures in my life.  As I was working on this post, I realized that my dad and I don't really have many pictures together.  But my sister took this one the day I graduated from BYU, and I like it:

Just a couple of my favorite things about my dad are:
*He works so hard to support our family.
*He can always make me laugh... to which my mom always says "Don't laugh, it only encourages him."
*He wrote me every week on my mission.  It was usually a short note, telling me how things were going at home, and he always ended by saying how he was proud of me, and praying for me, and loved me.  It was so good to get those emails each week!
*He is really smart.  I know I can call him and he will talk things out with me.  He's been super helpful as I've finished school and started "real" jobs, helping me know what to do and how to present things to employers, at interviews, etc.
*He is so loving and protective of me! He only wants what is best for me and is willing to help any way he can.

I also thought about other father figures I've had in my life, including but not limited to Grandpas, bishops and my two mission presidents.  Thank you to each of you for the influence you've had on my life, the things you've taught me, and the guidance you've provided.

Happy Father's Day!  I love you Dad!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The One Where Someone Steals Our Tube

Yay for a day off!  Today was so nice, not having to work at all!!  I got to sleep in a bit, be productive, go to the temple, and have lots of fun!  This particular blog post will focus on the fun part, because that's much more exciting than errands, right?  :)

My roommate Allie and I are making good use of our Seven Peaks "Pass of All Passes!"  We've gone to Seven Peaks twice this week!  So Much Fun!  And the really nice part is that if we get tired or it gets too hot or too busy, we can just leave.  I love not feeling like I have to stay all day and do everything in order to get my money's worth.  We can do what we want, for as long (or as short) as we want, then head out.

Anyways, we got an early start today, and left for the water park about 10am.  Another benefit of the pass is that you can get in before it opens to the public.  So we get there, and decide we want to rent an inner tube, something we didn't do on Monday.  We get a double tube and try out a bunch of water slides.  It was fun, pretty low key, just about perfect.  We also spend some quality time relaxing in the lazy river.  We take a few breaks to dry off in the sun and reapply sunscreen (because I like to burn, which will be a post for another time).  So about 1pm we are laying on our towels, drying off and just relaxing.  We've put the tube on the ground, right by our feet--seriously, like 6 inches from our toes-- and are lying on our backs talking.  At one point Allie sits up, and says "Someone took our tube!"  So I sit up and sure enough, our tube is gone!  We didn't even notice anyone taking it!  Nor did the random guy standing practically over our heads watching his own family's stack of tubes.  All we could do is laugh!  Luckily we had done all the slides and had been there for a while, so we weren't super irked.  It was just funny that A) someone would take it and B) we didn't even notice.  So we didn't get the $1 you usually get for returning the tube, but oh well.  We figured it was the way it was, and we were fine to leave anyways.  But it made for a fun story, and we'll always be able to say "Hey, remember that one time we went to Seven Peaks and someone took our tube?"

Oh, and to top off a fun morning in the sun, we tried out the new Maui Bowl in Provo.  They have acai there that I have been dying to try.  SOOO good!  Reminded me of the good old days eating acai in Brazil...