Saturday, December 1, 2012

December Traditions

Well, I guess after posting every day for a month, it really does become a habit.  And now I feel like the day just wouldn't be complete without posting something.  So... here goes...

Today has been a productive day.  Cleaned my room, did my laundry (and got it all put away), vacuumed my room, did the dishes, etc.  I also had time to just relax and read in bed tonight--one of my favorite things to do.

But, I was also thinking today about Christmas traditions.  While I was on the mission, my mom sent me 12 envelopes, with a Christmas missionary story in each one.  Every morning during breakfast, my companion and I would take turns picking an envelope and reading the story.  It helped us stay focused on missionary work and the gospel that Christmas.  I pull them out each year and reread them in the days leading up to Christmas.

So, today being December 1, I pulled those out and got all excited to start that again.  I was just about ready to open envelope #1, and I realized... the 12 days of Christmas... that means I can't start yet!  I was so bummed!  So I've got to wait a little while still for that.

But it got me thinking.  How do you celebrate the days leading up to Christmas and make it meaningful?  What traditions do you have or want to start?

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