Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Currant Bush

I love this story!  I'm not sure when I first heard it, but it's always meant a lot to me.

We discussed this idea a lot in church today, and it was such a powerful discussion.  A member of the Stake Presidency gave the lesson in Relief Society, and talked about faith.  He shared with us a definition of faith from Sister Virginia Pearce, who taught that faith means really believing 5 things:

   1. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ live and they are in charge of this world.
   2. They know me.
   3. They love me.
   4. They have a plan for my future.
   5. I will obey the commands, work hard, and trust in their plan.  Sooner or later, everything will be okay.

I love those five things!!  I've realized time and time again, especially lately, that the Lord truly is in charge and has absolute control.  He knows everything that is going on, and although I can't necessarily fix it right now, at some point He will make it okay.  How grateful I am for that knowledge and the peace that it brings.  Even when I don't understand why he's leading me to a certain place, I know there is a purpose, and if I can have faith in Him, someday that perfect purpose will be revealed.

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