Sunday, November 11, 2012

"You Know Enough"

What a wonderful Sunday!  I got to attend two sacrament meetings today- my own ward and my sister's ward.  Today was the Primary Program and my niece is a sunbeam, so I just had to go over and watch her, right?  It was so fun!  They go to a Spanish ward, which is always interesting.  I speak Portuguese and some Spanish (although it is definitely easier to understand the Spanish than speak it).  Marissa has been practicing her part and did a great job, even if she looked grumpy for some of the songs.  And they had missionaries in their ward!  How fun is that?  And then I had to run to work, which actually went pretty well.  For our service project today, we made thank you cards to send to veterans since today is Veterans Day.

Anyways, today I remembered this talk from Elder Andersen, "You Know Enough" from the October 2008 General Conference.  I was on my mission in Brazil when he gave this talk, and it's been a favorite ever since.  As I see patients come and go (and sometimes come again) at work, I am reminded of the power of our choices.  Faith is a decision we have to make, and have to continually remember and work towards.    Challenges will come, but because of the Atonement of Christ we can overcome.  Even when we don't have all of the answers, we can still know enough to move forward confidently in obeying the will of the Lord, and answers will come as we act.  We know enough!!

Happy Sabbath!

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