Saturday, November 10, 2012


I was going to do an awesome post today since I had the day off and all that.  Guess what?  Not really going to happen.

What did I do today you ask?

Sleep in, lots of Grey's Anatomy, shopping with my sisters and niece and nephew, and fighting the feeling that I'm getting the flu. :(

Highlight of the day?

Teaching my nephew Lucas (who is the most adorable 18 month old ever!) to say the word "Really."  We were sitting in the car on the way to Kohl's this afternoon, and he was jabbering away.  I couldn't entirely understand what he was saying, so I just lean over and say "Really?  Really?  Really?" a few times and laugh and smile at him.  Pretty soon it's a game.  I say "really" and he laughs...and he says "eee---llll---yyy"  and I laugh.  Pretty smart little guy, don't you think?

Don't judge our appearances...
we had just gotten up
 last Saturday morning!

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