Sunday, November 4, 2012

True Friendship

It's past time for me to think about going to bed, but I am determined to post every day.  So again, it's going to be short... Oh well.  Today was an amazing day.  I slept in (probably because I stayed up way too late talking with a dear friend), went to my sister's, cuddled with my sick niece, went to my nephew's baby blessing, dinner with the family, and then a reunion with a bunch of people from a BYU ward.  It was busy and chaotic at times, but absolutely perfect.  

As I talked with Steph last night, I remembered this image I'd pinned on Pinterest, and figured it would be perfect for today...


Whether friends or family, I love being able to pick up right where we leave off.  I love that some of my best friends are my family. What better way to spend a Sunday??

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