Thursday, November 1, 2012

The One Where I Explain NaBloPoMo

No dear readers, I have not disappeared... just gotten super busy the last little while.  But that's about to change, because I am going to participate in NaBloPoMo.  What is that exactly?  Here is a detailed explanation, but basically you post something on your blog every day in November.  Given my track record, it may be difficult...but I'm bound and determined to do it!

So today, I'm going to share one of my favorite quotes.  It's from the Dr. Seuss movie The Lorax.  Granted, I've never seen the movie, but I heard the quote once and it's stuck with me...

This quote always reminds me of work.  If you know me, this will come as no surprise, but I LOVE MY JOB!!  (I'll explain in another post!) But as much as I like it, it's still a very demanding and emotionally draining job.  You can't be apathetic in my job, you have to be passionate about what you do.  And so when I'm having a bad day at work, or wondering why the patients don't seem to be getting something, I remember this quote, and do my very best to care "a whole awful lot" and give 100% and things always seem to work out.

1 comment:

  1. Wahoo! Way to go, NaBloPoMo! You're blog cool-ness has just increased hundreds. I'm very excited to read your blog this month!
