Friday, August 24, 2012

The One Where I Take A Vacation

Last weekend I had 6 (YES 6!!) days off of work!  It was fabulous!  I had been trying to figure out when I could take a trip home, and it worked out last weekend.  I flew to CA on Wednesday night, and came back to UT the following Tuesday afternoon.My mom's birthday was on Friday, and it was so fun to be home for that (I was actually at home for both of my parents' birthdays this year--something I don't think has happened since high school! :)  My parents both worked during the day, but I honestly didn't mind!  It was so nice to sleep in, relax, watch TV, play the Wii, and not have to worry about work, or grocery shopping, or running errands, or any other the other million things I have to worry about on a weekly basis. All in all, it was a wonderfully relaxing and much needed vacation.  I didn't take many pictures, but here's two:

I spent a few afternoons at the clubhouse pool.  It was great to be outside and in the water!!  I realized that I should learn how to really swim, but I had lots of fun anyways!  And it was also nice because all the kids were in school (most of the time) and I had the whole pool to myself!

My parents and I also went out to dinner on Saturday night.  We decided to go to BJ's Restaurant.  Amanda has been saying how good it is--and they have gluten free options--but I'd never been.  They didn't disapoint!!  This pizza was amazing!!

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