Thursday, November 8, 2012


No, I could not come up with a title for today's post.  Sorry.  Day 8 of NaBloPoMo and I've just about run out of things to say.  Not really, but it sure feels that way.  So, 8 random thoughts of the day:

1. I really don't like complainers.  Which is somewhat ironic, because I've done my share of complaining.  But I guess I felt that if I can make it work, so can you.

2.  12 hour shifts are getting longer and longer.

3.  I'm working on Thanksgiving and Christmas activities for work.  Today I came up with a Thanksgiving Bingo and am almost done with a Christmas Jeopardy game.  If we have to work on holidays and patients have to be there on the holidays, by golly we're going to have fun.

4.  I have mixed thoughts about working tomorrow.  One one hand, I love my job and don't really mind working 4 days this week.  But I have to work on the geriatric unit--my least favorite unit.  But I get to dress up (read: not wear gym clothes) so I'm kinda excited about that.  It's nice to feel professional now and then.  But it's still on the geriatric unit... lol :)

5.  My old coworker Jill sent me a bunch of Thanksgiving jokes this week.  They're kinda cheesy, but still made me laugh.  Here's one:
If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?
Pilgrims!  Bahahaha :)

6.  I tried making Pao de Mel yesterday afternoon.  It didn't really work.  I mean, it tasted delicious but was all crumbly and whatnot.  Darn you gluten free flour!! I guess I'm going to have to keep experimenting.

7.  Confession: I didn't vote.  I realized too late when registration closed and since I'm still a California resident it just didn't work out.  Whoops.  That's the second presidential election that I've been allowed to vote in and am yet to actually cast a vote!  (Although, four years ago I was in Brazil on a mission, so it's totally excusable.)

8.  Yes, I realize this post may be a bit more cynical than usual... chalk it up to a 12 hour day at work and a headache... but I posted, right?

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