Monday, June 18, 2012

The One Where It's Father's Day

Yes, I realize I'm a day late.  Oh well... My weekend was crazy and yesterday was a recovery/spend time with family day so I figured I'd just post today.  It works, right? ;)

Anyways, yesterday being Father's Day and all, I had the opportunity to reflect on all the great things my dad has done for me, as well as various other "father" figures in my life.  As I was working on this post, I realized that my dad and I don't really have many pictures together.  But my sister took this one the day I graduated from BYU, and I like it:

Just a couple of my favorite things about my dad are:
*He works so hard to support our family.
*He can always make me laugh... to which my mom always says "Don't laugh, it only encourages him."
*He wrote me every week on my mission.  It was usually a short note, telling me how things were going at home, and he always ended by saying how he was proud of me, and praying for me, and loved me.  It was so good to get those emails each week!
*He is really smart.  I know I can call him and he will talk things out with me.  He's been super helpful as I've finished school and started "real" jobs, helping me know what to do and how to present things to employers, at interviews, etc.
*He is so loving and protective of me! He only wants what is best for me and is willing to help any way he can.

I also thought about other father figures I've had in my life, including but not limited to Grandpas, bishops and my two mission presidents.  Thank you to each of you for the influence you've had on my life, the things you've taught me, and the guidance you've provided.

Happy Father's Day!  I love you Dad!!

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