Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The One Where I Go Home

I got to go home last weekend!  It was so wonderful!  It was an incredibly short trip, but so worth it!  I have been lucky enough to go home 3 times this year, and it has been amazing!  I didn't go home at all last year, and so I have definitely been making up for it.  (In fact, I'm planning another trip for August- woo hoo!!)

Anyways... I flew home Friday afternoon.  I was exhausted, having worked the graveyard shift the night before.  My Mom picked me up, we picked up the car and I headed home to take a nap.  Afterwards, I went to see my good friend Jennie, who I absolutely adore!  I had dinner with my parents and went to bed...and slept for a long time!  That's what happens when I work graves; I don't sleep much the next day but make up for it the next night.

Saturday was a relaxing day, hanging out at home.  Then I went with my Dad to pick up my sister and her family from the airport.  We came home, made dinner, and hung out for awhile before all going to bed since we were exhausted.

And then it was Sunday and time to come back to Utah.  My brother-in-law and I drove from CA to UT.  It was quite the trip.  12 hours in a car isn't necessarily my favorite thing to do, but Juan Carlos is a fun road trip buddy.  We had a good playlist going and made good time, so it worked out.

All in all, it was a super quick trip.  But worth it in every regard.  I got to see my family, and take a break from work and the craziness that seems to be my life.  Weekend well spent, I'd say!

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