Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ten on Thursday!

1.  Okay, it might look like I forgot to do the whole Ten on Tuesday last week...because I did.  So then I thought about doing it yesterday.  But then I had another idea.  For February,  I'll do Ten on Thursdays.  Then March go back to Tuesdays, and rotate every month.  Just to switch it up a bit and keep it interesting.

2.  I am exhausted.  I know I shouldn't be, but I am.  I usually try to work out 5 or 6 times a week, and today while I was at the gym NCIS was on...and I didn't want to leave.  So I was on the elliptical machine for an hour--and now I'm really hoping I'm not sore tomorrow.

3.  I love my jobs.  Sometimes life gets crazy and hectic and I wonder why I stick around at the RTC.  I usually only pick up a couple of shifts a month, and sometimes it's just hard to find time.  But I worked up there on Tuesday and realized how much I like being with those kiddos (as hard and trying as they sometimes are) and remembered that's why I stick around.

4.  I am no longer stuck in the dark ages.  I got a new phone on Monday- the Droid Incredible 2.  It's great!  I gave my sister my upgrade back in May (although I don't remember the exact reason why) and have been waiting and waiting for her to be eligible so I could get a new one. It's been fun to play around with it!  I love the feeling of a new phone.

5.  I really just want to be able to sleep in one day.  I know that's probably asking for too much, but just once I'd love to be able to NOT set my alarm in the morning...It's looking like the next chance that may happen (but no guarantees because I'm sure something will come up before then) will be Feb. 11.

6.  I've jumped on the green smoothies bandwagon.  I had spinach and had been toying with the idea for a few weeks now, and so last week I did it.  I was a little bit worried so that first morning I only put in 1/2 cup since I was going to work and needed to make sure I could drink it.  It looked an interesting color, but tasted just like my regular fruit smoothie.  Since then, I've been putting in 1 cup.  It's nice and green looking, but I can't hardly taste the spinach.  The best part?  I get a serving of fruit AND veggies in before I even clock in!

7.  I took my car in to get the brakes looked at on Saturday.  They've been VERY squeaky for quite a few months now, and I had decided it was time to bite the bullet and just get them fixed.  And then guess what?  They're totally fine.  Sure they squeak, but the guy said that it was just the kind of break that is in there and they're still in great condition.  So the squeaking is a little annoying at times, but totally worth not having to pay for new ones!

8.  Remember how I graduated from college a few months ago?  Good news--I'm finally sending out the announcements.  Better late than never right?  And, as a special bonus, I've included a picture in each (somewhat) make up for the horrific delay.

9.  One of my mission companions got married on Friday.  It was so good to be there with her and celebrate with her.  It was also good to see other mission friends and my mission president and his wife.  There is seriously nothing better than walking into the temple and seeing them there!!  I also got to have a really good talk with another companion, and she really helped me put some things in perspective.  She's just so wise, and it's so good to be together again--even if it was only for the day!

10.  Costco is crazy insane busy on a Saturday afternoon.  Remind me to never go at that time again....That's what days off during the week are for.  :)

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