Sunday, February 12, 2012


So this week totally kicked my butt...and Ten on Thursday just didn't happen....So it's now Sunday night, and I'm getting ready for bed (yes, it's super early but I'm just that tired) and knew if I didn't post now, it just wouldn't happen.  So here goes...

1.  Life is busy!!!  Work, work, work, gym, church, family stuff, trying to have a social life--it all keeps me very busy!  But I love it!!

2.   My ward had an activity on Friday night.  We went up to Aspen Grove (near Sundance) and went cross country skiing.  It was my first time ever skiing.  All in all, I'd say it went well.  It was dark, and hard, and I didn't really know what I was doing...but I figured it out for the most part.  One the first part I fell ALOT but the second half I don't think I fell once!!

3.  My room is a disaster.  A complete mess.  I've been meaning to clean it for a while now, and it just hasn't happened...Maybe this week???

4.  My sister posted a recipe on her gluten free blog for cheesecake pancakes... They look SOOO good!!  If I wasn't at work when I saw the post, I may have just gone to the store and made some!  What a fabulous idea!

5. I had to chaperon a dance for work last night.  It was a girls RTC and boys RTC combined Valentines day dance.  I thought it had disaster written all over it, but it actually went well.  All my boys behaved themselves!  I however, was reminded how awkward dances were when you're 16...and am so glad I'm not there anymore!

6.  My current Netflix addiction?  How I Met Your Mother.  After a stressful day, I like to watch it for a little while (even if it's only 5 minutes) to unwind before I go to bed.

7.  I made Coconut Chicken and Coconut rice (courtesy of Our Best Bites) for dinner this week.... So yummy!  I forget that I really do like to cook, it's just hard when I don't have lots of extra time at night!

8.  I can always tell when I'm sick or getting sick because it's hard for me to drink 64 oz. of water.  Usually I drink at least 80 oz easily, but yesterday it was a chore to make it to even 64... Luckily my sore throat is already starting to feel better! :)

9.  I took my niece to the grocery store this week.  It was just a quick trip to grab some stuff while we were at my grandparents.  In the 15 minutes we were there, she found a Dora toothbrush/toothpaste/holder, an Ariel bathtub Barbie, balloons, Cinderella Campbell's chicken noodle soup and a few other things she wanted to get.  I finally settled on "colored smarshmallows" (aka the fruit marshmallows) and told her she could get them to eat on the way home.

10. One of my favorite songs right now is "A Little Bit Stronger" by Sara Evans.  Love it!!

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