Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ten More (for last week!)

Ya, so this post technically should have been done last week....oops!

1.  I've been doing this whole "Feel Great in Eight" thing.  This is week 8!!!  I'm really glad that I've been able to stick it out and actually complete the whole eight weeks, but I'm also very excited that it's going to be over!  I know the point is to get into healthy habits, and I think I have.  But I'm also the kind of girl that likes dessert and baked goods, and I really want some peanut butter chocolate chip pancakes!

2.  This last weekend my parents were in town for my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary.  It was so fun to have them here and hang out as a family!!

3.  My niece pretty much loves me.  And my phone.  I'm still trying to decide which she loves more though!  Over the weekend I downloaded a princess coloring app and she LOVES it.  The moment I walked in the door after work on Monday she said, "Hi Andrea, can I play with your phone now?"  She's so adorable though!

4.  Why does gas have to be so expensive these days?!?!?!  I miss the days where it was under $3.00/gallon (and I realize that still wasn't cheap!).

5.  I worked up in Salt Lake last Monday.  It was super fun because it was a holiday, so it was really laid back and chill.  We let the kids sleep in and the staff just played on our phones.  It wasn't til later that we read the memo about not using our phones while working...Oops.  But then it just became a joke!  :)  I have some pretty awesome co-workers up there, that's for sure.  They keep things fun, even when the kids can be challenging.

6.  Last week I also spent the night at my Grandma's.  It was fun to be up there with her (and my sister and her kids).

7.  Last Wednesday for an RT group we played board games.  It ended up being a lot of fun.  I played Life with some boys and another staff.  The game changed since I was a was kinda weird.  It was also fun when the boys got frustrated and said things like "This sucks!" to which I replied "Ya, life can be hard sometimes, huh."  They weren't as amused as I was.

8.  My friend at work introduced me to this ice cream.  It's really good!!!  I think their slogan is pretty clever too--1/2 the fat and 2x the YUMMY!

9.  I may or may not have watched the entire season 4 of The Biggest Loser in one week.

10.  I'm in the process of deciding whether or not to move... My lease is up at the end of April, so it's time to start figuring that out.  Decisions, decisions, decisions.

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