Sunday, March 11, 2012

Some more thoughts

Ya, ya, I missed like a whole week, and never got caught up... Such is life.  At least I'm a ton more consistent than I was a few months ago, right?

1. Feel Great in Eight is over!  It was a really good experience, and I'm glad I did it again.  I lost 12 lbs in 8 weeks, which feels great!  Another round of the challenge starts tomorrow, and this week I've toyed with the idea of doing it again...but ultimately decided not to.  I'm going to set up my own personal points tracker, and then when I reach so many points reward myself with something fun...ideas?

2. A few weeks ago at work, I took some of my boys to Holiday (the gas station).  They had earned $3 at Holiday from a previous RT activity, and it finally worked out to take them.  And, much to my shock and dismay, ONE OF MY BOYS STOLE A CANDY BAR!!!  I was so surprised, and shocked!  I mean, the kid does have a history of lying and stealing, but still!  I couldn't believe it.  He was put on Off-campus restriction (meaning he couldn't leave campus) and then later ended up being on safety (level setting where he can't go off campus and has to stay arm's length of staff) so we haven't gone back, but when he's off safety you better believe that we are going back to Holiday and he's going to make this right!!

3.  The weather has been so nice recently!  It feels like spring!  I am loving it (and hoping it stays this way!).

4.  Remember how I sprained my ankle back in September?  Remember how I've tried to be so good and take care of it?  Well it's acting up again and I am not amused!  I held off on the whole training for a 5k idea because it was acting up at the start of January, but it had been doing well so I was getting my ready to start again this week.  I was going to buy new running shoes on Tuesday.  But now I'm not so sure...I don't think it's worth the future problems if I don't take care of my ankle now.  It's a bummer though! :(

5.  I love seeing old friends!  Somehow life gets busy and hectic and it seems that unless I A) live with or B) work with you, I just don't see friends that much.  But this week I got to have dinner with a friend and it was so much fun to just talk and catch up!

6. Target Daily Deals may be a very bad idea for me.  I signed up quite a while ago, and have been pretty good about not buying stuff I don't really need.  Lots of times it's stuff like a $400 TV or a bedding set or something that makes it really easy to delete the email.  Lately though they've had some cute clothes, like this:

And it's just hard not want it!  So yes, I did buy this dress (in green!)....

7.  I haven't worked at the RTC for about 3 weeks....crazy but I actually really miss it and I miss those kiddos!

8.  Last night my roommates went to see the movie "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close."  It was so good!  It made me laugh because the boy is definitely somewhere on the Autism spectrum, and definitely reminded me of some situations at work.  And I also teared up (slight understatement) at some points because it was just a touching story.  If you haven't seen it, I would definitely recommend it!

9.  I've realized over and over again lately how difficult it can be to make decisions when things are out of your control.  There are so many variables that go into making a decision, and I find that a lot of times I want to know everything before I take a risk.  Or, I'd like to know one very important thing before I have to make a few other minor decisions.  And, frankly, that's just not the way things are going right now.  I know I need to have patience, and it will work out, but I'm not patient!!!

10.  Weekends are really just too short.  End of discussion!

1 comment:

  1. It WAS lovely to see you this week. :-)

    And I hope you can figure things out soon.
