Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ten on Tuesday

1. It was so nice to be able to go home for a long weekend.  Although I see my parents and especially siblings quite often, I haven't actually been home for over a year.  It was so nice to be able to relax and just have a break from the chaos that usually runs my life.

2. When I got back to SLC last night (after an already delayed flight!) I found the battery in my car was dead.  Luckily all it took was a quick jump start and I was on my way.

3. I can't believe it snowed!  I mean, it IS winter and we DO live in Utah, but still!!!  I was enjoying this perfectly mild, snow-less winter we've been having.

4. I attempted to make a new "healthy" recipe last week- Homemade granola bars.  I unfortunately ran out of time and so I decided to make it an RT group activity and have my boys make it.  Somehow they missed the healthy part and dumped in a whole bag of chocolate chips and lots extra peanut butter.  They ended up being more like no bake cookies than granola bars...but they were still good!  And I decided I just need to try again by myself.

5. I got to have a nice long talk with my person Stephanie last week.  It was wonderful!  Seriously, we're like Meredith and Christina from Grey's anatomy.... She's totally my person!!  It was a perfect evening after a stressful Monday and in preparation for a busy week.

6. While I was home, I found the most important notebook ever!!  It doesn't seem like that big of deal, but while I was on my mission, I kept all my notes from district meetings, multi-zone conferences and interviews with President all in this green notebook.  When I got home from the mission, I looked everywhere for it and couldn't find it.  I was devastated!  I couldn't believe I'd lost it!  It's been over two years since I've been home from Brazil and I'd pretty much given up on the idea that I would ever find it again. But at home I pulled out my scrapbook paper to make a birthday card for my dad and I saw the green notebook!  I was SO excited!!  Some of my greatest learning experiences in the mission are recorded in that book and I can't wait to go back and reread and relearn those things.

7. One of my mission companions is getting married on Friday!  I'm so happy for her and excited for her big day!  And also grateful that my work schedule will allow me to be there :)

8. I love watching the Biggest Loser...and sometimes find it hard to make it through an entire episode without tearing up a little bit.  Like this last week, when people gave their video chats with family up to another contest.

9. The more I think about it and work in various facilities, the more I realize that I really do want to work with kids.  I still enjoy working with adolescents and adults, but the younger kiddos are my favorite...and I hope to one day find a pediatric RT job.

10. I find myself with lots more free time these days...anyone have suggestions of some good books to read?

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