Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ten on Tuesdays...

Okay, yes, it's me again...slacking.  But it's 2012 and one of my goals--not necessarily resolutions, but something I want to do better at--is keeping up on this blog.  I've seen lots of people do a year in review post, and i'll probably get to that, but not tonight.  Instead, I'm going to be posting a ten on tuesday post each week...so here goes.

1. My parents came to UT for Christmas this year.  It was fun to have them here for almost 2 weeks!  Things do get chaotic when they're here and the family's all together, but I love it!!

2. Being gluten free has a whole bunch of logistics to work out, even a year later.  More details to come on that I'm sure.

3. You may  now refer to me as Andrea Call, CTRS.  Last month I officially got licensed and certified as a therapeutic recreation specialist.  I LOVE TR!!!

4. I'm going home for a visit in just over 2 weeks!  To say that I'm excited is a complete understatement.  I haven't been home to Tracy since Nov. 2010--and I'm more than ready to visit again!

5. Some of my favorite Christmas gifts included:  a red pea-coat, kitchen toys, and a tool kit.

6. In case you've forgotten, I have the cutest niece and nephew in.the.world!!!  Seriously, those two kiddos make my day whenever I see them.  Last week I had to buy little L a new onesie that says "My Aunt Is Cool" with a polar bear on it.  Adorable!!

7. I feel so productive when I have a day off.  Even if I don't do much, I feel like the fact that I can sleep in makes up for everything else.  If I'm able to cross off errands or cleaning or laundry from my To Do List, the day is even more successful.

8. I have lots of ideas for 2012-things I want to do and become... But I'm still working on getting them all finalized and ready and accomplishable (is that even a word?).  Hopefully by next week I'll be ready to share some of them.

9. I love boots.  I ordered these ones for my birthday!  Can't wait til I get them!!

10. I'm horrible at doing laundry.  I'm able to put all my dirty clothes in the laundry sorter and wash them, but there's just something about folding them up afterwards and matching all the socks that I just can't ever seem to do when they come out of the dryer... It usually takes at least a few days.   Oops.  ;)

And there we have it... the first Ten on Tuesday done with 30 minutes to spare.  Enjoy!

P.S. If you have questions and/or suggestions for topics for the Ten on Tuesdays, please comment!  You'd think I'd be able to come up with ten things to blog about, but it's harder than it looks....

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