Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Ten More...

Yay!!  I'm actually sticking with this whole blog every week thing!  Here goes the ten thoughts for this week...

1. Over the past week I've gotten to see many of my good friends that I haven't seen for a while...Dean's office friends, mission companions, Calista, etc.  I also go to work and see friends there...and have really realized this week how nice it is to have good friends that care about me and support me and love me for who I am.

2. This is my new favorite children's book:
I read it to my niece today and it's so cute!  This little monkey wants to be special, and he keeps trying to be different things so he can be special.  In the end he realizes he's Monkey and that is what makes him special. My niece loved it...and after the fifth time in a row of reading it, she started reading it herself.  I'm thinking I'll have to find a way to incorporate that into a rec therapy activity too.

3. That laundry I mentioned last week, you know, all that I had washed but never put away?  Ya, it's still in the basket waiting to be hung up.  I did get the stuff that goes in the drawer put away.  

4. I love to blog stalk.  So if you have a blog, let me know ... I'd love to stalk follow you!

5. Oh, ya, when I say I put the laundry in the drawers, don't be fooled.  I didn't actually match the socks or anything.  I figure if I'm going to wear boots anyways and no one's going to see my socks, it doesn't matter if they match right?

6. I started some healthy lifestyle competitions yesterday.  One is Feel Great in Eight, an eight week competition I've done before.  The other is with my work.  You basically are encouraged to make healthy lifestyle choices, like eating all your fruits and veggies, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, exercising, etc.  You get points based on what you do and the winner gets prizes!  I'm not sure I'll win, but these are some great habits to get into, and I'm really excited to be participating for the next eight weeks!

7. This may seem slightly random, but I don't really care.  Fact is, I hate vacuuming my car.  In all honesty, I haven't ever vacuumed out my car.  Now, that's not to say my car hasn't been vacuumed.  Every three or four months or so, I have to get my oil changed.  And so without fail, I head on over to Jiffy Lube, where they'll change my oil AND vacuum my car.  It's a glorious thing.  And yes, I did get that done today.

8. Bad things happen to good people.  And good things happen to bad people.  Such is life, right?  I've realized after talking to some friends and acquaintances how true this is, and it makes me grateful for the gospel perspective that I have and how I know that God has a plan for each one of us, and that the experiences we have in this life are designed specifically for our growth.

9. I love going to the gym.  I don't always like having to get up early to make sure it happens, but I love the feeling I get after a good workout.  On Sundays when I have to work, I run the exercise group.  The adolescents I work with usually push for a yoga workout, but I love to have us do cardio!  It's such a good, accomplished feeling!

10.  I am probably most definitely addicted to pinterest!

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