Friday, September 2, 2011

New Job

Okay, okay, I'm officially a slacker when it comes to this blog. Let's see...a lot has happened this summer and I wouldn't even know where to begin to catch I'm just gonna skip ahead to today.

I started this week working as a Recreation Therapist at Telos, a treatment center for adolescent boys. It's going to be an awesome experience and I am super excited. I've only worked there 2 days, and still have a lot to learn, but am enjoying it so far. Today was pretty cool because I was in treatment team. (Side note - I love treatment team meetings! I think it's just so good to get everyone together and on the same page in terms of progress and goals, and you can learn so much by listening to everyone else who interacts with a particular student.) So I was sitting there and I realized, I'm a recreation therapist. Sure I'm not licensed yet, but I did it. This is what I've been working for in school for the last few years and I'm finally here. I'm a real rec therapist! It was such a cool moment, where I just kind of got lost in awe and the fact that I was able to accomplish this goal. It was such a good feeling, and I can't wait to really get started working with these boys.

It's gonna be great!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011


So, let me just say....I LOVE MY INTERNSHIP!!!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!! I can't imagine a more perfect internship for me. Things really have fallen into place to make this work.

Things started off a little rocky because I found out one week before I was supposed to start that I needed to be CPR certified, have a bunch of immunizations, fingerprints taken, a drug screen, a TB test and a background check done. Kinda made for a crazy stressful and chaotic week. Turns out I was all up to date on the random immunizations (thanks to all that I had to get for Brazil) and the rest somehow managed to work and I was only delayed a day and a half.

So Tuesday morning I got the last of my paperwork and headed up to Salt Lake. I went to Primary Children's Medical Center to turn everything in and get my badge...and then I was an official intern! I headed over to the RTC (residential treatment center-my facility) to get to work. Tuesday was treatment team meeting, where all the social workers, therapists (including OTs, RTs, Music therapists, speech and language pathologists, etc) nurses and child psychiatrists meet together to discuss the clients and how their treatments are going. It was a little interesting since I didn't know any of the kids, but it was a good introduction to the program. Then I spent a little time on the floor with the kids and headed home. Day 1 was a SUCCESS :)

The rest of the week was great too! Wednesday was a long day, with an 11 hour shift. But it was also fun because we had pet therapy...and those kids love the dogs! I also got to spend a lot of one on one time with a few of the kids and even help with tuck ins at bedtime. It was great! And yesterday we had an activity at Boondocks, which was tons of fun!

It's been interesting to get to know the kids. They've had a rough life and are dealing with some pretty difficult stuff--that's why they're at the RTC after all. My heart aches when I read some of their charts and see what they've been through--parents fighting, divorce, abuse, malnourishment, homicide, etc. It's intense! A lot of times the kids just want to know that someone is there, that someone cares about them and will take care of them. I can't tell you how many times I've been asked "May I have a hug?"--and I've only been there one week! But I am always willing to give them a hug and sit by them, read to them or do melty beads with them.

All in all, I love this experience! I am so grateful I have the opportunity to work with these kids and help them and love them. I'm so excited to work with them for the rest of the summer!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Times are Changing

April. It always seems like that's the big change time in college. The weather finally (hopefully) becomes springlike. The semester draws to an end. Finals are taken, and any sort of schedule flies out the window as life revolves around final projects and exams. Housing contracts are up. It's also a time of decision making. Where am I going to live now? What am I doing with my summer? Do I stay in Provo or go somewhere else? Do I work, take classes or try to do both? Seriously...a lot happens in April.

For me, it's been an interesting experiencing. Although i decided back in February what I wanted to do this summer, the little pieces weren't all perfectly figured out. I wasn't too worried...I knew it would out...somehow...someway.

Well here we are, April 28, and I think I've got it all figured out. What's the plan? Well.....

I should be starting an internship next week at Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City. It's the last thing I need to do before I can graduate! I'm really excited because I LOVE TR (for you non-TR people out there, that stands for Therapeutic Recreation). Anyways I'll be working in a residential psychiatric facility for kids ages 6-13. Needless to say, I'm VERY excited!! I love psychology and I'm super excited for the chance to work with kids. Most of my TR volunteer experience has been with adolescents and my other internship was geriatrics, so I think this will be a good experience.

With the internship, I've decided to move to Bountiful to be closer to my work. Commuting from Provo every day just doesn't seem that fun :( So I'm going to move in with my grandparents and have a room in their basement. I think it'll be good to be closer to them and work, and I'll still be able to come down to Provo on the weekends to hang out with my sisters and niece.

However, because I'm moving and doing a full time internship, it was time to leave my job at the Dean's Office. I have loved working there!! I started back in November 2009, after I'd gotten home from my mission. And now it's been about 18 months. Crazy how time flies. Today was my last day there. It was bittersweet. I'm really looking forward to my internship, but also sad to leave this job. The people are the best, and I actually have a really fun job. I've learned a lot about the arts and music and the really cool people who have graduated from BYU, the importance of thank yous, how to effectively stalk people--thank you facebook ;) But more than that, I've learned better how to relate to people and understand them, to help them work through their problems. I've learned the importance of being there for those you care about and how much better things can be when we all work together. But also that you can't work too hard--I mean, work needs to be fun too! You need to keep the taffy jar stocked, music going, and finding little ways to sneak some fun in during the day. It was a great experience.

So that's the plan. Will it work out perfectly? Probably not. But that's okay. Even though I don't know what exactly will happen this summer and how exactly it'll turn out, I know it'll be good. It'll be challenging, but it'll be worth it. So let's go!!!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Today was Sunday! And it was amazing!!! Seriously, one of the best Sundays in quite a while... even though last week's was pretty wonderful too :)

So we went to church. We were almost on time... I figure if it's still the opening song we're good right??? 9:25 is just so early sometimes.... hehe.... but we had a great meeting. The talks were really good and really got me excited again for General Conference this weekend. Sunday school was also pretty good, entertaining and inspiring. And Relief Society was good too...

Then an afternoon full of visiting teaching, visits, singing at a dementia unit at a local nursing home, dinner (yes, I can cook sometimes), amazing fireside about going to the temple more often, ward prayer, and just general good times!!!

Seriously, today's been a good day....the kind of Sunday that gets me all ready for the coming week. I'm sure it'll be busy and stressful, but having a day to focus on the Lord and reground myself is helpful... so I'm ready.... come what may and love it!!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cake Optimist

So, my friend Ashley is pretty much amazing. She's got this cake blog and she includes all her cool baking projects. Seriously, they are sooo gooood!!!

She does all sorts of yummy stuff and they look so cute!! I saw her St. Patty's day cupcakes and decided those would be a such a fun activity with little kids.

So, if you're ever in the mood for some delicious cakes, check her out!! She's pretty much amazing.

An Update.... again....

Okay so I officially slack at this whole blogging thing. BUT I WILL DO BETTER!!! I WILL!!! I'm not sure when or how exactly, but I've decided that blogging is important and valuable and actually very therapeutic. And since I'm a therapeutic recreation major, I better start practicing what I learn in all those classes!

So let's see.... It's been what, 6 months since I've updated? What's happened??? More like what hasn't happened.... We'll do a list and if you want more details comment and we'll get into more exciting stories :)
  • Survived Fall semester
  • Did a massive research project regarding Mother's leisure satisfaction and the number of children they have
  • Took the GRE
  • Took a trip home to CA to look at grad schools
  • Had lots of fun with the roomies
  • Went to many football games
  • Spent a Saturday on campus.... something I DO NOT approve of.... hmph!
  • Spent lots and lots of time playing with the cutest two year old EVER!!! (In case I haven't mentioned this yet, I have the most adorable niece Marissa who I love to play with!!)
  • Hung out with my twin sister... so nice to have her living in the same state again
  • Continued to work at the Dean's office with amazing people
  • Was disappointed with the incoming winter, snow, snow and snow
  • Had a great Christmas break with family
  • Started Winter Semester.... yes, the last semester of classes!! Woo-hoo!!!
  • Realized that summer will come again and began enjoying fall
  • Fell in love with Therapeutic recreation all over again!!
  • Found an internship... at Primary Children's Psychiatric center
  • Met an adorable angel Tessa, one of my best girl friend's beautiful daughter
  • Visited with an old roommie before she entered the MTC
  • Witnessed the BYU Men's basketball team's DREAM SEASON
  • Decided not to get a master's degree right now.... but quite probably later... good thing that GRE score is valid for 5 years
  • Discovered that it is possible and even potentially enjoyable to eat gluten free
  • Remembered what a blast the mission was through Sisters nights, Brazilian lunches and a wonderful reunion with the Bradfords yesterday!!!
  • And so much more!!
I'm currently finishing up the last few weeks of my last semester of classes (which includes trying to stay motivated!). I'm looking for housing and am getting ready for an amazing internship this summer. And basically enjoying the end of my college life.... Kinda crazy that it's here, but good too. I'm having a blast with my ward and am soooo ready for the nice weather to come and stay!!

In short, life is busy. Life doesn't stop still.... And yet I don't think I would want it to. This way I'm always faced with new opportunities and challenges, and constantly have to ask myself what I can do better and differently.... Through it all, the ups and downs of life, I've realized that somehow, it always works out. I don't know how it will happen, but it will..... And that's good enough for right now.