Friday, November 1, 2013

NaBloPoMo... Again

Well, folks, it's November 1... and that means it's once again NaBloPoMo.  I realized this a few days ago and debated about whether or not I would participate again this year.  I know it's been months...since I posted and I don't have much free time these days, but I decided tonight that I want to try.  Even if I don't make it 100%, something is better than nothing, and it'll help me focus on the little, important, tender mercies each day instead of the chaos that can be the life of a grad student.

Oh, ya, did I not mention that?  Ya, it's been THAT long since I blogged.... oops.  But, I'm in grad school now, up in Logan at Utah State University in the school psychology program.  It's a great program!  And in honor of my grad school life, I'm going to share a link that my awesome friend Steph shared with me earlier this week...

Grad School Barbie... seriously, read it... it's hilarious (or maybe only for me since I had just walked out a thesis meeting when she posted this to my Facebook wall).
I promise I don't look this creepy!

Either way.  Happy Day 1 of NaBloPoMo!

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