Sunday, November 3, 2013

Logan - 2 Life Anchors

When I first moved to Logan, I was a little disappointed that there is not a Target or a Costco here.  Really?!? I (somewhat) jokingly said I had made my decision too soon and without all the information.  I then realized that there's also not a Zupas.  Yet as I've spent the two months here in Logan, I realized that Logan has the most important things and I have fallen in love with the Logan Temple.

You can see the temple from almost anywhere in Logan.  I love the fact that I can look out my bedroom window at night and see it all lit up.  It is beautiful!

So then today was Stake Conference.  It was a regional broadcast for stakes in Northern Utah.  Elder L. Tom Perry was there and spoke.  He began his talk by mentioning how beautiful Cache Valley is with the snow we woke up to this morning.  I was silently laughing because I was *not* pleased to wake up to snow (I even decided I would be okay giving up my one extra hour of sleep if that meant it wouldn't snow yet!).  Anyways.  Elder Perry talked about how wonderful Logan is, with the two anchors it provides us.  The first was the temple.  The second is the "A" on campus.  He talked about how these two things could be our anchors--being in the temple and receiving those ordinances and promises, and then furthering our education.  It made me realize yet again what a privilege it is for me to be here for graduate school.

So, the moral of the story is, even if I haven't completely fallen in love with Logan, I do love these two anchors that I have here-- the temple and the my graduate program at USU.  And that's really all that matters. :)

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