Sunday, December 16, 2012

Broken Things to Mend

It seems this picture has been flooding the internet since Friday's tragedy.

This one, however, has always been one of my favorite pictures.

I've been thinking a lot lately about life, and about different experiences we have.  As most people know, I work at an acute psychiatric facility.  Daily I have the privilege to work with amazing people who are dealing with incredibly challenging circumstances.  Sometimes these situations are a result of poor choices, either their own or by those they love and care about.  Other times these situations just happen.

And so I've found myself pondering, more so this weekend, why do bad things happen?  Why does God allow tragedy to strike?  It seems like an unanswerable question, but in reality, the answer is simple.  It is because God loves us.  He loves each of His children.  And He will never do anything to prohibit our use of our agency.  At times, people use their agency in a way that hurts others.  But that hurt and pain will be made up for in the eternal scheme of things.

I love this quote by Orson F. Whitney, who said "No pain that we suffer, no trial that we experience is wasted.  It ministers to our education, to the development of such qualities as patience, faith, fortitude, and humility.  All that we suffer and all that we endure, especially when we endure it patiently, builds up our characters  purifies our hearts, expands our souls, and makes us more tender and charitable, more worthy to be called the children of God."

These difficult times in life are invitations to come unto Christ, to be healed through His Atonement.  There are enough comments and opinions circulating the internet about gun laws and mental health services and whatnot.  I'm not here to debate any of that.  I'm here to testify that despite the heartache we experience in life--because we will experience it--Christ will be there for us.  I have always loved Elder Holland's talk "Broken Things to Mend."  He states, in part:

"I speak to those who are facing personal trials and family struggles, those who endure conflicts fought in the lonely foxholes of the heart, those trying to hold back flood, waters of despair that sometimes wash over us like a tsunami of the soul.  I wish to speak particularly to you who feel your lives are broken, seemingly beyond repair.

To all such I offer the surest and sweetest remedy that I know.  It is found in the clarion call the Savior of the world Himself gave.  He said it in the beginning of His ministry, and He said it in the end.  He said it to believers, and He said it to those who were not so sure.  He said it to everyone, whatever their personal problems might be:

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."

If you are lonely, please know you can find comfort.  If you are discouraged, please know you can find hope.  If you are poor in spirit, please know you can be strengthened.  If you feel you are broken, please know you can be mended.

Considering the incomprehensible cost of the Crucifixion and Atonement, I promise you He is not going to turn His back on us now.  When He says to the poor in spirit, "Come unto me," He means He knows the way out and He knows the way up.  He knows it because He has walked it.  He knows the way because He  is the way."

Isn't that a beautiful message?  Difficulties, heartache, trials and tragedy will happen.  But with Christ, we can overcome, we can be made strong, and we can be healed.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

My Latest Project!!

Alright guys, time to share with you all my latest exciting adventure!  And explain why this blog has been neglected since NaBloPoMo ended on Nov. 30.

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I LOVE rec therapy!  Seriously, I could talk about it for hours if you let me.  I'm always looking for new ideas to try and new activities to use at work.  I have boards on Pinterest just about rec therapy.

But, I've never found a resource that has a bunch of tried and true, easy to use activity ideas.  There on a blog here, or a website there, but nothing that has everything in one place.  So, I decided to start my own.  I enlisted the help of a few coworkers, and about two weeks ago opened the blog publicly.

The idea is that rec therapists/activity directors will submit one or two ideas every quarter, and I'll get them posted on the blog.  That way everyone is able to continually get new ideas to try out, and we support one another as we seek to further the profession.

The ideas also work for classroom activities, art projects, or just fun things to do with your kids.  So go check it out!  Spread the word!  And let me know what you think - I would love comments or suggestions on how to make it even better!!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Currant Bush

I love this story!  I'm not sure when I first heard it, but it's always meant a lot to me.

We discussed this idea a lot in church today, and it was such a powerful discussion.  A member of the Stake Presidency gave the lesson in Relief Society, and talked about faith.  He shared with us a definition of faith from Sister Virginia Pearce, who taught that faith means really believing 5 things:

   1. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ live and they are in charge of this world.
   2. They know me.
   3. They love me.
   4. They have a plan for my future.
   5. I will obey the commands, work hard, and trust in their plan.  Sooner or later, everything will be okay.

I love those five things!!  I've realized time and time again, especially lately, that the Lord truly is in charge and has absolute control.  He knows everything that is going on, and although I can't necessarily fix it right now, at some point He will make it okay.  How grateful I am for that knowledge and the peace that it brings.  Even when I don't understand why he's leading me to a certain place, I know there is a purpose, and if I can have faith in Him, someday that perfect purpose will be revealed.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

December Traditions

Well, I guess after posting every day for a month, it really does become a habit.  And now I feel like the day just wouldn't be complete without posting something.  So... here goes...

Today has been a productive day.  Cleaned my room, did my laundry (and got it all put away), vacuumed my room, did the dishes, etc.  I also had time to just relax and read in bed tonight--one of my favorite things to do.

But, I was also thinking today about Christmas traditions.  While I was on the mission, my mom sent me 12 envelopes, with a Christmas missionary story in each one.  Every morning during breakfast, my companion and I would take turns picking an envelope and reading the story.  It helped us stay focused on missionary work and the gospel that Christmas.  I pull them out each year and reread them in the days leading up to Christmas.

So, today being December 1, I pulled those out and got all excited to start that again.  I was just about ready to open envelope #1, and I realized... the 12 days of Christmas... that means I can't start yet!  I was so bummed!  So I've got to wait a little while still for that.

But it got me thinking.  How do you celebrate the days leading up to Christmas and make it meaningful?  What traditions do you have or want to start?