Friday, August 24, 2012

The One Where I Take A Vacation

Last weekend I had 6 (YES 6!!) days off of work!  It was fabulous!  I had been trying to figure out when I could take a trip home, and it worked out last weekend.  I flew to CA on Wednesday night, and came back to UT the following Tuesday afternoon.My mom's birthday was on Friday, and it was so fun to be home for that (I was actually at home for both of my parents' birthdays this year--something I don't think has happened since high school! :)  My parents both worked during the day, but I honestly didn't mind!  It was so nice to sleep in, relax, watch TV, play the Wii, and not have to worry about work, or grocery shopping, or running errands, or any other the other million things I have to worry about on a weekly basis. All in all, it was a wonderfully relaxing and much needed vacation.  I didn't take many pictures, but here's two:

I spent a few afternoons at the clubhouse pool.  It was great to be outside and in the water!!  I realized that I should learn how to really swim, but I had lots of fun anyways!  And it was also nice because all the kids were in school (most of the time) and I had the whole pool to myself!

My parents and I also went out to dinner on Saturday night.  We decided to go to BJ's Restaurant.  Amanda has been saying how good it is--and they have gluten free options--but I'd never been.  They didn't disapoint!!  This pizza was amazing!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The One Where I Remember I Go To A Community College

So way back when (okay, so really it was like in April) I was seriously considering graduate school.  I thought about doing an Occupational Therapy (OT) program, but I needed to take a few prerequisite classes first- such as anthropology, sociology, physiology, etc.  So I decided to take some classes up at SLCC (Salt Lake Community College).  Summer tuition was cheap, and I got the in state tuition rate because it was summer.  Perfect!  I signed up for both anthropology and sociology, figuring it might be a little hectic taking two classes and working full time.  Yet, I knew I had to take them in order to be able to apply for grad school in time.

Well, despite being a BYU graduate, it took me a while to connect the dots.  SLCC is a community college--and was super easy for me! Anthropology was an online course, and I had three assignments each week: 1) Take a 5 question, open book quiz (with a retake possible); 2) write a half page paper on an assigned topic, post it on the discussion board, and then comment on two other people's papers; and 3) write a one page paper on a specific topic and email to the teacher.  Well, being the efficient gal that I am, I would do my homework on my graveyard shift--Friday night!  And almost every week I was the first one to post on the discussion board--and couldn't make my comments until Sunday night.

Sociology wasn't much harder.  I did have to go to class for this one, but sitting in the back it was easy to look engaged in class and really be focused on Pinterest or Facebook.  The first test I figured I should study for, then when it took about 10 minutes I was kind of bummed that I spent a good 45 minutes studying for it.  One of our first discussions in that class was about a sociologist who studied insane asylums, and when the professor asked if anyone had experience in a mental institution, I became one of her favorite students because I work at one!  After that, I always had interesting stories to share and easily got participation points.

So, anyways, the point of this is not to say that I am a genius-- believe me, my anatomy grade would definitely argue with that--but to explain one concept.  I learned that I need to be more aware of my surroundings.  BYU is not SLCC-- both have different expectations.  It made my summer a lot easier, but I regret that I didn't get much out of either class...  I guess it's always a trade off, right? That said, classes are over, I passed, and now I'm taking a break for a while! :)

Monday, August 13, 2012

The One Where I've Been Home for Three Years!

Three years ago today, August 13, 2009, I came home from my mission.  How time flies!!  As I reflect on my life the last three years, I'm amazed at everything that I've done, learned and experienced.  It hasn't always been easy, but I have learned so much about me and the Lord's plan for me.  I am so grateful for the experiences I had in Sao Paulo, and the foundation it built for me.  Not a day goes by I don't think about the mission and the incredible people I met there!  Saudades!!

And now, some pictures from my last day in Brazil:

Sister Call, Sister Chamberlain, Sister Simmons and Sister McGary
The four of us all arrived at the MTC together and spent our missions together!  I was lucky enough to be companions with each of them at some point during the mission.  What a blessing!  We still keep in touch and I am so grateful for these girls!!

 Sabrina, Irma Silene, Sister Call, Bruno and Irmao Gilmar
Irma Silene lived next door to us in my last area (Campo de Fora).  She was wonderful!  She treated us like daughters and always took such good care of us--feeding us dinner after a long day, letting us wash her clothes there, and even painting our nails on p-day.  Her whole family was very supportive of us, and would help us any way they could!

Sister Call, Irma Sheila and Irmao Tarso
A wonderful family in my last area!  They were so involved in the ward and helped us out so much!  I loved doing divisions with Irma Sheila!  She was so kind and patient, and a true friend during a difficult transfer!