Monday, June 18, 2012

The One Where I Am Exhausted

As I will get to in another post, I really do love my jobs!  Seriously, I love the populations I work with, and the activities I get to do!  But sometimes, work just leaves me exhausted.

Case in point--Here was my schedule this weekend:
  Friday: 8a-5:30p
  Friday night: 10p-8a
  Saturday: 9a-2p
In case you're having trouble with your math, I believe that is working 25.5/30 hours.  CRAZY!!!   The funny thing is, I wasn't even tired until after I left work on Saturday, had gone to the grocery store, come home and taken off my shoes...that's when it hit!  A quick nap and going to bed early seem to help though, and now I'm good as new! (At least until Friday hits again, right?)

So, even though I do love my jobs, it sometimes leaves me a little tired and incoherent, and the blog a little deserted.

The One Where It's Father's Day

Yes, I realize I'm a day late.  Oh well... My weekend was crazy and yesterday was a recovery/spend time with family day so I figured I'd just post today.  It works, right? ;)

Anyways, yesterday being Father's Day and all, I had the opportunity to reflect on all the great things my dad has done for me, as well as various other "father" figures in my life.  As I was working on this post, I realized that my dad and I don't really have many pictures together.  But my sister took this one the day I graduated from BYU, and I like it:

Just a couple of my favorite things about my dad are:
*He works so hard to support our family.
*He can always make me laugh... to which my mom always says "Don't laugh, it only encourages him."
*He wrote me every week on my mission.  It was usually a short note, telling me how things were going at home, and he always ended by saying how he was proud of me, and praying for me, and loved me.  It was so good to get those emails each week!
*He is really smart.  I know I can call him and he will talk things out with me.  He's been super helpful as I've finished school and started "real" jobs, helping me know what to do and how to present things to employers, at interviews, etc.
*He is so loving and protective of me! He only wants what is best for me and is willing to help any way he can.

I also thought about other father figures I've had in my life, including but not limited to Grandpas, bishops and my two mission presidents.  Thank you to each of you for the influence you've had on my life, the things you've taught me, and the guidance you've provided.

Happy Father's Day!  I love you Dad!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The One Where Someone Steals Our Tube

Yay for a day off!  Today was so nice, not having to work at all!!  I got to sleep in a bit, be productive, go to the temple, and have lots of fun!  This particular blog post will focus on the fun part, because that's much more exciting than errands, right?  :)

My roommate Allie and I are making good use of our Seven Peaks "Pass of All Passes!"  We've gone to Seven Peaks twice this week!  So Much Fun!  And the really nice part is that if we get tired or it gets too hot or too busy, we can just leave.  I love not feeling like I have to stay all day and do everything in order to get my money's worth.  We can do what we want, for as long (or as short) as we want, then head out.

Anyways, we got an early start today, and left for the water park about 10am.  Another benefit of the pass is that you can get in before it opens to the public.  So we get there, and decide we want to rent an inner tube, something we didn't do on Monday.  We get a double tube and try out a bunch of water slides.  It was fun, pretty low key, just about perfect.  We also spend some quality time relaxing in the lazy river.  We take a few breaks to dry off in the sun and reapply sunscreen (because I like to burn, which will be a post for another time).  So about 1pm we are laying on our towels, drying off and just relaxing.  We've put the tube on the ground, right by our feet--seriously, like 6 inches from our toes-- and are lying on our backs talking.  At one point Allie sits up, and says "Someone took our tube!"  So I sit up and sure enough, our tube is gone!  We didn't even notice anyone taking it!  Nor did the random guy standing practically over our heads watching his own family's stack of tubes.  All we could do is laugh!  Luckily we had done all the slides and had been there for a while, so we weren't super irked.  It was just funny that A) someone would take it and B) we didn't even notice.  So we didn't get the $1 you usually get for returning the tube, but oh well.  We figured it was the way it was, and we were fine to leave anyways.  But it made for a fun story, and we'll always be able to say "Hey, remember that one time we went to Seven Peaks and someone took our tube?"

Oh, and to top off a fun morning in the sun, we tried out the new Maui Bowl in Provo.  They have acai there that I have been dying to try.  SOOO good!  Reminded me of the good old days eating acai in Brazil...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The One Where I Go Home

I got to go home last weekend!  It was so wonderful!  It was an incredibly short trip, but so worth it!  I have been lucky enough to go home 3 times this year, and it has been amazing!  I didn't go home at all last year, and so I have definitely been making up for it.  (In fact, I'm planning another trip for August- woo hoo!!)

Anyways... I flew home Friday afternoon.  I was exhausted, having worked the graveyard shift the night before.  My Mom picked me up, we picked up the car and I headed home to take a nap.  Afterwards, I went to see my good friend Jennie, who I absolutely adore!  I had dinner with my parents and went to bed...and slept for a long time!  That's what happens when I work graves; I don't sleep much the next day but make up for it the next night.

Saturday was a relaxing day, hanging out at home.  Then I went with my Dad to pick up my sister and her family from the airport.  We came home, made dinner, and hung out for awhile before all going to bed since we were exhausted.

And then it was Sunday and time to come back to Utah.  My brother-in-law and I drove from CA to UT.  It was quite the trip.  12 hours in a car isn't necessarily my favorite thing to do, but Juan Carlos is a fun road trip buddy.  We had a good playlist going and made good time, so it worked out.

All in all, it was a super quick trip.  But worth it in every regard.  I got to see my family, and take a break from work and the craziness that seems to be my life.  Weekend well spent, I'd say!

The One Where I Make Some Changes

Hello Blogger Friends!  (The very few of you who actually read this!)

I'm making some changes...I have a new idea for the blog, and I think it will help me be better at actually keeping this thing updated...

I was home over the weekend (post coming soon) and happened to see about five minutes of the old TV show "Friends."  Now, we like that show at my house.  And watched it quite frequently.  Every episode starts "The One Where _____."  It got me thinking... that would make a good blog theme.  And so we're going to try it out.  Each post is going to have it's own theme, The One Where ___.  Thus the blog will become snapshots of what's going on in my life.  Let me know what you think!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Life is Crazy!

Yes, I realize it's been...awhile...since my last post.  Whoops.  What can I say?  Life is super busy!  Work, work, work, some semblance of a social life, work, work, class, did I mention work?  So ya.... I'm thinking it's about time to revamp the blog watch for that...and updates...