Friday, February 1, 2013


Okay, I have officially finished the first book in my A-Z reading challenge.  Here's my thoughts...

I absolutely LOVED this book!  I had a few people recommend it to me, and it was the perfect book to start off with!  It was a little hard to get into because it was written from a five year old boy's perspective.  But once I got used to that, I couldn't put it down!  It was so hard to work on other projects, or even go to bed at night, because I wanted to just keep reading.

I really enjoyed how the author portrayed the innocence of Jack.  He is such a cute little boy, and the reader can't help but fall in love with him and his simplistic view of the world.  I also liked the book because it was emotional and personal, and I felt like I could enjoy the emotions of the characters without getting caught up in the drama like at work! :)

I'd say more about the book, but I don't want to spoil it for anyone.  I'd definitely recommend this book!!

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