Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Just Listen

I may or may not have read this book in 24 hours.  I guess that's what happens with YA fiction...and a delayed flight followed by a lazy day at home! :)

Overall thoughts of the book:  I enjoyed it.  I was a little hesitant with the YA part, but I was also in the mood for an fun, easy read.  This fit both categories.  I'd also heard recommendations about another one of Sarah Dessen's books, and a few people suggested YA fiction when I've asked for books.  So I figured I'd give it a try.  I'm glad I did.  It was in part about a girl in high school figuring out who she is, what role her past will play in her future, and how she fits in socially and in her family.  I really like emotional dramas, and this seemed to be right up my alley.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Falling to Heaven

So the second book on my list was "Falling to Heaven" by James L. Ferrell.  I was super excited to read this book.  I was first introduced to James L. Ferrell when I read his two books, "The Peacegiver" and "The Holy Secret" during my second transfer in the mission field.  My mission president gave me both books and assignment to read them each twice...before the next transfer meeting.  It was an amazing experience and I've read "The Peacegiver" several times since then.  I absolutely love that book!

So, when I saw his newest book "Falling to Heaven" at Deseret Book a couple of weeks ago, I immediately bought it.  I read about three-fourths of the book on Saturday and finished it up tonight.  It's a pretty simple read, but really deep and profound at the same time.  It's different than the Peacegiver, and that's something that I struggled with initially.  The writing style is different, the way he approaches the subject seems different.    It wasn't what I expected.

Nevertheless, I really enjoyed the book.  It was about how to find happiness in this life, and he talked about things in a new way.  It was really interesting, and it makes me want to go back and really study--not just read--the book.  I particularly liked the end, where he talked about living a "confessional life" and being honest with those around us.  He talked about how the key to finding happiness is falling, and it reminded me of a quote from his other book about the Fall of Adam and Eve and how that related to the Atonement.  I'd definitely recommend this book, with the warning that it might be different than you expect, but totally worth it!

Friday, February 1, 2013


Okay, I have officially finished the first book in my A-Z reading challenge.  Here's my thoughts...

I absolutely LOVED this book!  I had a few people recommend it to me, and it was the perfect book to start off with!  It was a little hard to get into because it was written from a five year old boy's perspective.  But once I got used to that, I couldn't put it down!  It was so hard to work on other projects, or even go to bed at night, because I wanted to just keep reading.

I really enjoyed how the author portrayed the innocence of Jack.  He is such a cute little boy, and the reader can't help but fall in love with him and his simplistic view of the world.  I also liked the book because it was emotional and personal, and I felt like I could enjoy the emotions of the characters without getting caught up in the drama like at work! :)

I'd say more about the book, but I don't want to spoil it for anyone.  I'd definitely recommend this book!!